13 things that need to throw away immediately!


We are surrounded by a lot of things, from which it's time to get rid of, but we are so accustomed that they simply do not pay attention to it.

13 things that need to throw away immediately!

But if you want to get rid of unnecessary trash or feel that your apartment needs to be updated, here's a list of 13 things you can throw out right now.

1. Old cosmetics

The shelf life of carcasses for eyelashes, for example, is usually from two to three months, so it is useless to store it "just in case".

2. Old uroalks

The body's baby husband can actually be one of the most dirtiest things in your home, because it adores the bacteria to multiply. Change it every three or four weeks.

3. Old Sunscreen

After the expiration date, the cream is at least ineffective, and its shelf life does not exceed three years.

4. Old drugs

13 things that need to throw away immediately!

If you do not use tablets before the end of their shelf life, they can become dangerous to the body, especially antibiotics.

5. Old logs

Squeeze the coffee table and throw away the already read magazines or those that you never got.

6. Old dishes

Plastic dishes for microwaves and food containers may contain polycarbonates, which is bad for our health. Buy new, which do not contain bisphenols.

13 things that need to throw away immediately!

7. Old shoes

Of course, the period of wearing shoes for all individuals, but if you feel that the usual shoes began to sit on the leg differently, break away with them without regret.

8. Old Toothbrows

Doctors recommend changing a toothbrush every three months due to bristle wear. If your brush has bristles hairs stuck in different directions, it's time to buy a new one.

9. Clothing you did not wear

If you have never been put on a daily thing for six months, it's time to get rid of it. Otherwise, you threaten serious climbing wardrobe!

10. Food residues

Be extremely careful with abnormal products in the refrigerator. Store many of them in an open form can be extremely dangerous to health.

11. Old contact lenses

Even the contact lenses of longer wear need to be changed to the maximum every three months, even if they look clean and lie in the disinfectant solution.

12. Outdated spices

Unfortunately, fragrant spices in the cabinet are not completely eternal. Herbs are stored from one year to three years, and seeds are no more than four years.

13. Air purifier filters

The filter in the cleaner needs to be changed at least once a year, after that it becomes useless.

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