In this family, 181 people, and they all live under one roof. But just take a look at their home!


Dream about a big and friendly family? We can argue, even in the most bold fantasies it will be difficult for you to imagine a family of 181 people! However, such a family exists! ZION Chan from India became a record holder in the number of wives - he has 39! In addition, the man has a 94 child, 14 daughter-in-law and more than 40 grandchildren! But just look where they all live!

The so-called "Iso Mansion", in which there are no small 200 family members, is a giant design with four floors and more than 100 rooms! The house is located in the village of Butvang in the Indian state of Mizora. Wives "The biggest family man in the world" sleep here, as in the hostel! You will not believe, but there is even a school in the house for numerous sin children!

One can only imagine how much it is worth providing such a family, but the zyon does not ask for help from the government. His family is quite capable of feeding himself. Here everyone has their own duties: women are engaged in cooking and cleaning, while men grow cattle, care about agriculture and are engaged in carpentry.

Daily work is well organized, everyone will work simply, accurately and disciplined, while the most eldest wife coordinates a schedule of work. Only 30 chickens, 50 kilograms of potatoes and up to 82 kilograms of boiled rice can take one dinner in this family!

Zyon considers himself very happy and calls himself God's chosen. His wives also have nothing against such a position of things, as before meeting with a man they lived in poverty, but marrying girls, Zyon took them to provide them!

In the video below you can see what the house of this incredible family looks like, and learn more about how the weekdays pass!

Zyon himself declares that, despite the old age, he still does not mind getting a couple of new women.

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