What and how to paint the tile?


What and how to paint the tile?

  • In the former times, such a cosmetic update of the wet zones was very common. The old tile painted the usual oil paint, seeking persistent and durable coating. Something where this finish of 30-50-year old stands still.

What and how to paint the tile?
And why dively paint the tile? To quickly and cheaply update the interior or simply change the color of the lined surface. Many are faced with the situation when there is no time nor financial opportunities for full-fledged repair. For example: people bought an apartment in the secondary market by putting all available funds to the purchase. Repairs in the coming year or other do nothing to do, and it is planned to move to the apartment right now. In this case, you have to resort to any budget decisions to make your newly acquired nest with a cleaner and cozy. Painting of the tile - one of these opportunities to improve the appearance of the premises, spending the minimum of funds.

What and how to paint the tile?
What and how to paint the tile?

What paint paint tile?

Different options are suitable. You can paint the water-dispersion latex paint intended for wet rooms. If the painted surface is subject to serious contamination, it does not hurt to cover it with a varnish on top of the paint.Alkyd enamels and oil paints are also used to paint the tile. The surfaces painted with these LKMs, the additional protective layer do not require.

Sometimes in paints it happens directly indicated that they are suitable for such problematic surfaces as glass, tile, etc. It is worth collecting such products in the stores.

If you plan to paint the tile on the walls, you can not worry much. Another thing is a tile on the floor. To her paint, it is necessary to choose the most resistant and reliable means - for example, an alkyd enamel declared by the manufacturer as a floor covering.

What color to paint the tile?

It's not a fact that the painted tile will look flawless. Doing his coordination center of the room quite dangerous. That is, it is better to give up from a bright accent color by choosing something neutral. If the painted tiled surface is to merge with the unlundered walls or facades of furniture, its flaws will be slightly rushing into the eyes.
What and how to paint the tile?
What and how to paint the tile?

But if creativity prevails over the perfectionism, you can work in creativity, painting a tile in several colors. In this case, stencils and patterns can be used. The paint will make it turning the old boring cladding in a bright panel.

What and how to paint the tile?
What and how to paint the tile?
What and how to paint the tile?

Painting of the tile: work

Step 1. Cleaning. The tile must be carefully flushed with abrasives. The surface must be smooth and completely degreasing. It also does not prevent its disinfectant. Then you need to carefully rinse the tile to remove all traces of detergents.

Step 2. Checking seams. It should be scrupulously inspected them. If the grout has crackled, it is necessary to remove it in these areas, filing the seams of cement fugue. It is necessary to wait until the tint dries, after which it is once again to wash the tile.

What and how to paint the tile?

Step 3. Matting. If the tile is glossy and very smooth - it is desirable to take it, making the surface matte and rough.

Of course, when it comes to cladding a large area, the mechanical processing is hardly advisable. In this case, it is better to leave the tile as it is, recking on a high-adhesive primer.

Step 4. Priming. It is worth choosing a primer with a high level of adhesion. Ideally, it must be declared as a primer for problematic surfaces (tile, glass, fiberglass, plastic, etc.). This includes, for example, the primer deposit from Ticcurila.

If the tile was previously highly tamped, you can skip the priming.

Step 5. Painting. You can dye only after the complete drying of the primer. The tool for applying depends on the type of paint and surface features. If the area of ​​work is small, you can use a brush with a soft bristle. For large surfaces it will be needed roller. If the paint refers to water-dispersion, any roller will suit. However, the best choice is a velor with a short pile.

The same roller is optimal for enhancing enamels. If you want the surface to be perfectly smooth, you can purchase alkyd enamel in the canopy and apply it by spraying. However, to begin with, it is worth practicing on an inconspicuous area.

The paint is applied a very thin layer. Usually requires at least two layers.

The whole surface is evenly painted, including seams. If there is a desire to highlight the grout, after complete drying, the base must be walking along the seams of a thin brush with contrast paint.

What and how to paint the tile?

Step 6. Laca coating. This item is not mandatory. It is worth resorting to it only if the painted area will be exposed to aggressive effect. You need to make sure that the lacquer does not take off the painted surface. It does not prevent in advance to test their compatibility - for example, on a piece of plywood or glass.

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