Weaving baskets from ordinary twine


For fruits or candies, you can weigh the basket from the usual twine.

To do this, we will need: 20-25 meters of 5 millimeter twine, scissors and shape (deep bowl, on which weave).

Shpigata Basket (600x510, 214Kb)

We do as follows:

First you need to make 12 cuts of 65 cm rope each.

2 (491x604, 236kb)

Then we have in the form of a cross of 11 ropes. At the same time, 5 ropes - horizontally and 6 vertically.

3 (600x296, 108kb)

The twelfth rope is fixed in the middle. It will be a basket frame.

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We begin to weave. To do this, fix the main in the middle.

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We should weave in a circle between the ropes of the frame. To make it easier to form a future basket, you can use any bowl and weave on it.

6 (600x433, 270Kb)

When the basket becomes the desired height, fix the main thread.

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Also fix the frame of the frame, turning each thread around the last two rows.

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We are separated towards inside the baskets.

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Everything, basket is ready.

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