Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands


Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Although the figures on the calendar approach the May holidays, spring, it seems, does not particularly intend to delight us with pleasant weather and bright sun. Well, okay. Not really wanted. The main thing is that at cool streets, at least smells in spring. And the homemade spray freshener will help to settle the spring in the house. He will not only help get rid of unpleasant odors, but also create a really sunny mood.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

The freshener is an indispensable thing in every home. We will not list all the reasons why it is useful to settle in the apartment (especially in its "sanitary" part) a spray can be a spray. We only note that the freshener will come in handy and easy to create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere. Especially if you make this simple and truly spring flavor. And a pleasant fragrance, and a good mood is provided. When noting, without any extra "chemistry" and harm to the environment.

To make a fragrant and fully natural freshener, you will need:

1. Distilled water;

2. Fresh flowers and herbs;

3. Lavender oil;

4. Plastic bottle with pulverizer

Step 1

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Choose "Bath" for your aromatic composition. The author of the instruction offers a win-win spring mix: Lilac flowers, rose petals, dried inflorescences Lavender and Rosemary. Although you can pick up another bouquet for the mood. Or suggest a choice of a child who will probably enjoy this little project.

Step 2.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Selected plants slightly cut or get drunk in the hands so that they began to highlight juice. Fill them out the bottle by 3/4.

Step 3.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Add 6-7 drops of lavender (or other floral) oil.

Step 4.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Fill the water (it is better to use a funnel), close and breastplate the bottle. Leave it in a dark place at least day.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

Your first homemade freshener is ready to use. Spray it in the apartment, paying special attention to the curtains and the upholstery of the furniture, and soon the whole home will fill natural, not the chemical fragrance of spring. And there and the sun will be warmer.

Natural air freshener with stunning spring aroma with their own hands (9 photos)

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