"I always said: People, enough to wait for miracles. Calm yourself!". A businessman from the depthion bought a house in the village and created a miracle!


A little truth: our hero is called Sergey Koval, he is an outstanding businessman from Novogrudak with the voice of Vladimir Vysotsky and the charm of Andrei Mironova. He has a couple of marriages, a cat and two dogs - Bonca and Andryushushka. There is also a hotel with a restaurant, a three-bedroom apartment in Novogrudok and a house in the village of Litovka. Everything else in this story is soaked by legends invented by a vital citizen from the province. Bought house he turns into something unimaginable

He will not live there. Sell ​​it or make money on it - too. Why then all this? Sergey does not admit - only tells one fairy tale after another. That in this story is true, but what is not, it is difficult to say. Although it is not so important. It is important what happened.

Behind the unfinished picture, a guy with a creative look and a pretty girl with some drawings, a mason is coming nearby under classical music, someone from builders instead of lunch catches fish on the Donka. A few minutes later, Sergey arrives on white Gelandewagen - a sports man with a satisfied smile. He sets the tone to talk himself, giving it to understand what the excursion will be.

- All this appeared on the night of the bloody moon. The whole village was covered with an effortless smoke and a hair, stood by an illuminator ...

- Funny. And if you have a little more serious?

- And what, a frivolous person? We live in the free world. Everyone is waved to say what wishes. Not so?

"Pursken Jepsnak - GR? NFELDE"

Once near Sergey's house in the village of Litovka, which is located three kilometers from Novogrudok, stood a typical rustic stop - with a mate on the faded blue walls, shot down concrete and shot from the pneumatics by the schedule of rare buses.

A businessman decided to do everything by law and turned to the authorities with a request to enjoy the place. Allowed.

- This stop legally moved a few meters further. The village extinct, no stop, and this coffin is worth it. I decided to paint. He agreed, hired masters - and so, they did. Seven people worked on her: two bricklayers, two sculptors, two roofers and one holy man - our main master. By 33 years old, she worked as a mechanic, and then scolding began to sculpt and now he could not stop. Such is the original hero. And the main thing is that the designs I did not change: this concrete was so far here, - surprises the rare piece of truth of the patron.

Stop is made of wood and stone, covered with reed.

Sergey's front stop decided to place at the motives of Adam Mitskevich's poem. Here the final battle is depicted, which, according to the text, occurred in this place.

On the side - the designation of all Belarusian castles on a modern map, if anyone suddenly comes in handy.

Another engraving is wounded on the reverse side of the stop. Initially, a light bulb was built into it - the "heart" of the paintings, but someone from the local decided to assign a part of the work and overtasted the backlight with the root. Sergey found an unusual way out of the situation:

- At first I wanted to put a new one, but they still decorate. Therefore, I decided to place a memorial sign here.

Beach and sophisticated war with drunkards

Next to the house there is a small lake and the beach. According to a businessman, a lot of declamic elements were gathered here, but the man decided the question to be a non-standard way.

- If you start with them a war, they are sleeping the house once. I decided to act wiser. Made there a good recreation area, mangals wrought, gazebo, lampshade. Moms with children began to come here, intelligent people - and crowded these alkash. Even the most "killed" scoundrel will not drink where children walk. They began to retreat. Beauty will save the world if someone saves beauty, "says Sergey in Latin and immediately translates the favorite quotation.

A businessman alternates legends about the village of Litovka with verses of national poets, a juicy mat - with the statements of ancient Greek philosophers, life - with art, reality - with fiction. He likes to remain mysterious.

Furious wrought dog with scales and horns

Sergey leads through a small bridge, under which the metal dragon guards a stone egg.

- When meteorites fell on the night of the bloody moon, we learned that our dragon is not a boy, but a girl. See, the egg lies? I am asked everything when a small dragon will be born. And how much I know? Well, damn, dragon, no one has seen them thousands of years! We are waiting for, - the solid businessman is extremely serious.

- In the same night, our dog began to deform, she has rod to grow straight from the brains. At first she only trees and leaves fed. Well, I think, let yourself be healthy. And then the people began to rush, the beast, to be shown. Here we are on the chain and planted. The first broke and in the village eight kows ate. But now we challenged it in a good chain and feed only Mandragora's root, so do not be afraid of her, she does not notice good people.

- Did you do all this for yourself?

- I do everything in this life for myself, because I think that our destination is to enjoy. You never know whether tomorrow will come. The main thing is to look carefully, so that your pleasures are not wounded close, then everything will be fine.

- But this house will always be opened. I promise you, I will not close it on the castle. I want people to come here, walked around the house, rested on the beach. And I will not take money for this too. All this is my gift to the people of the Earth. I only as a fee for my work will sometimes rest here. But even at that time, anyone can come here, "the businessman convinces his atypical intentions into the bridge, which separates two halves of the stone heart.

Bridge railing already walked in love with castles.

- If all my collapsed marriages depended on the castle, I would bring the world's largest castle and closed this bridge. But this is no more than a beautiful tradition, "says Romantic and leads to the house.

House of Gnomers, Ark, Colosseum and Wellness with alcohol

While everything is ready here. Now builders work on the construction of the ark and copies of the Roman Colosseum. The ark will have a huge bath on the lion's legs and a bar counter.

At the entrance to the courtyard is depicted "Spirit of the Forest."

Near - engraving "Fallen Angel". Sergey is confident that one day people will break her sledgehammer. Why, does not explain.

A little further - a luxurious concrete gazebo with a well in the middle. Well Sergey wants to fill with alcohol. Above him is a huge chandelier. The household is confident that it is necessary to live modestly.

The walls of a small room near the house are decorated with canvas, on which medieval builders are inventing an eternal engine. "People, very similar to those working on creating this house" are very similar about the builders. One extremely looks like Sergey.

Another one engraving is a cat Katka. Sergey claims that everything invented is her merit. Katka, patron, calls his muse, whoever she would be.

According to the second version, everything made "sudden from the finger" of the bricklayer Andrei.

"When Andrey did a slaughter in the fence, the stone fell on his finger - blood splashed. Since then, Andrei bears proud name bleeding, and everything invented I suck from his finger.

In the backyard there is a sculpture, showing how the toad stifles a creative man holding the land in his hand.

"The toad stirs all creative people, but it must be struggling with it, otherwise everything will be wasted." This is an endless battle, and it is impossible to defeat the toad, but it is impossible to give up. She is also choking me, but I do not give up! And you do not dare!

Near the entrance to the house is the temporary householder builders, "insulated" mobile phones.

"House of Gnomes". According to Sergey, all the money on the construction of numerous structures on its territory is brought just. These gnomes are serious guys with international relations. Otherwise, where did the Canadian cedar come from their house?

- Dwarves mined small emeralds in my garden, and I change them to gold in the forest fairies (we are in excellent relations). For more information, contact the tax, the owner is launched.

Bedroom Sado Maso

Damned old house

Go to the house. When he was bought, the owner does not say.

"I live in happiness, which means, in a rampant," businessman leaves again again.

- I bought this house from the former chairman of the city executive committee. He did not want to sell it for a long time, but I achieved my. I really wanted to get this particular house: he is with a story. In August 1969, Vladimir Vysotsky lived on a whole week with Marina. I decided that it was obliged to keep the walls of the house and do not demolish anything.

In the room where Vysotsky lived with his wife, by order of Sergey, a huge portrait of a musician was written.

A 120-year-old collection of works by Adam Mitskevich is kept on the wall in Relicovingam.

Go to a bright spacious room, which Sergey calls the "victim of the Muse of the Frenchman." For some reason in Novogrudok, the businessman knows exactly under such a nickname.

The bedroom is in a separate structure. Above the entrance is a strict uncle asks to behave quietly.

The bedroom in this house is the most unusual, which only can be. In the left corner in the web hanging the drug addict Vasily. He is bad, he has breaking. All sorts of reptiles are crawling along it.

In such a style, the whole interior of the room is set: skeletons, cockroaches, spiders, devils, gray and death. Sergey likes. He says he is calm here.

Over the bedrooms - "Soul serenity room" with soft walls. What for? With the same purpose as everything in this house.

According to the owner of all this beauty, he himself lives in a three-bedroom apartment in Novogrudok.

- I have an ordinary "treshka" in the usual house. In one of the rooms I do not even go. A man in general is very little necessary for life. Move? Do you keep me for a fool? - Mature Sergey. "This is my homeland, I was born in Novogrudok, here and dumb." I always said: People, enough to wait for miracles. Someone yourself!

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