How to save time and clean even the dirtiest surfaces


Marker on the floor

Daily cleaning takes away a lot of strength, time and money - a variety of cleaning and detergents for all occasions are expensive and can cause harm not only to the children's, but also an adult organism. And they are not always at hand.

In cases where there is no branded cleaner in the house or you want to save, refusing to acquire it, take advantage of our advice!

Cleaning tips

  1. Decorative glass bottles

    If you are a happy owner of beautiful, but uncomfortable for washing bottles - mix salt, soap, a bit of warm water and pour this mixture into a bottle. Several times well-shake and repeat the procedure if necessary.

    glass bottles

  2. Sofa from microfiber

    If you have a sofa from the microfiber, not my water from under the tap, because there may be a divorce and even dark spots on it. To clean the contaminated surface, use the alcohol first, and then distilled water. The cleaning algorithm is: first the turntables, and then the surface of the surface with a dry rigid brush.

    Sofa from microfiber

  3. Marker on the floor

    To quickly and inexpensively clean the floor from the marker - use toothpaste. Apply it to the painted plot, a little wait and wipe with a wet sponge.

    Marker on the floor

  4. Burnt saucepans and bassens

    A mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with the problem of the burnt saucepan and bastards. This is a simple and cheap tool will save you from a long cleaning process - a minimum of effort, a good result.

    How to save time and clean even the dirtiest surfaces 13033_5
    The burnt saucepans and bassens »ItemPROP =" ALT = "How to save time and clean even the dirtiest surfaces" />

  5. Window Rama

    Before starting the process, generously sprinkle contaminated sections of window frames of food soda. After a few minutes, their vinegar and wait, while the reaction passes. Take cotton wands or an old toothbrush, carefully clean, and after the wins these places are a damp cloth. Ready!


  6. Dust on the ventilation holes

    These hard-to-reach places with ease are cleaned by an old cosmetic brush. So you can get there, where I could not even vacuum cleaner!

    Ventilation holes

  7. Hairbrush

    Remove confused hair with combs with scissors, after which the turntables are a comb in a hot solution of food soda with water.


  8. Vehicle interior

    In order for the car's salon to look fresh, like after dry cleaning, make a soap solution with the addition of vinegar and soda, take an elastic brush and start dragging the seats until the cabin becomes like the first day after the purchase.


  9. Washer

    Over time, even the most expensive model of the washing machine begins to pollute and things after washing are obtained by some kind. To get rid of the stupid smell, run the intensive wash mode without things, adding to the container instead of a chlorine powder or a mixture of soda and vinegar.


  10. Sews on a tile and tile

    Even if the apartment sparkles cleanliness, as in advertising, the darkened seams on the tile significantly violate the harmony. To fix it, take a toothbrush, soap solution and chloro. The same composition easily cleanses the bathroom in 10 minutes.


It turns out that even the dirtiest surfaces can be cleaned, without making special efforts and saving money on all sorts of detergents. Clean - the key to the fact that the order will reign in your life. In a clean house and thoughts, people are becoming cleaner ... Share this article with friends and will go to visit more pleasant - cleanliness will triumph!

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