Mini-hanger from folder folder


At the end of the year, a large cleaning begins everywhere. From the Street and the Klama we get rid of the house, and our bosses at work. So we have arranged in the cabinets "weeding". Old folders were written off and thrown out, including this - they say, painted. But does the folder only serve the storage of papers? It will come out of her, for example, such a mini-hanger for storing different economic trifles.

But we are still welcome with this daddy. First, make a mini-hanger from her folder, and then something else.

We will need scissors, pumping, pliers, two screws for fastening hangers.

The order of the hangers from the folder of the folder:

1. Remove the folder.

Remove the clamping bar.

Cut the folder from the folder.

Remove the ripples.

2. Remove the extra details.

Open and remove the lever, the movement of which is closed folder.

Come down the tongue to which he was attached.

3. Attach the hanger.

Two screws screw the hanger to the support.

4. Hanger is ready.

Under the bent tongue we lay down the clamping bar - we close screws.

Waving different little things on the hooks.

By the way, the bottom hooks are easily rising if you remove the bar. So, the hanger does not prevent us from removing things from under the rack and put them there.

Elena Romanova, Bryansk

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