Where to position the outlets and switches


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When planning a room, you must pay special attention to sockets and switches. We will help you to figure out how they should be arranged and in what quantities will be required for various types of rooms.

The location of switches and sockets must be selected in accordance with defined rules. But at the same time, no strict standards obliging to make only never otherwise exist. In the meantime, the correct installation of electrical apparers will contribute to your convenience, and will also provide the functionality and organic of the room. For each of the types of rooms, there are their rules and requirements. Consider them in more detail.

Living room

  • The number of sockets must be selected on the basis of its plans for the alignment of stationary equipment (TV, computer, music center) and other devices requiring electricity supply. And it is best to provide their number with a margin. Typically, the quantity is calculated on the basis of the rule: at least one outlet for 4 meters perimeter room.
  • If the family has a child, sockets should be equipped with special plugs.
  • With the "Eurorepair" sockets, it is customary to position at an altitude of 0.3 meters from the floor, the switches are 0.9 meters.
  • If there are many lamps for lighting, you should foresee on the switch several keys.
  • It is best not to spoil the appearance of the premises with wires.
  • For embedded equipment, the height of the sockets must be in the range from 0.3 to 0.6 meters.
  • The distance from the windows and doors should be at least 0.1 meters.
  • If you are planning the installation of the air conditioner, the socket under it must be 0.2-0.3 meters from the ceiling.


  • The distance of electrical appliances elements to gas pipelines should be at least 0.5 meters.
  • Number - at least four.
  • The height of the sockets is 1.3 meters from the floor or slightly above the level of the table top.
  • Height for switches Standard: 0.8-0.9 meters.
  • The number of sockets depends on the presence of kitchen appliances - refrigerator, microwave, oven, mixer, kettle, dishwasher, etc. It turns out at least eight units.
  • Dual sockets on the current 16 and in this room are considered for two units.
  • It is forbidden to install sockets above the stove, washing, behind the drawers and behind the housing of the embedded technology.


  • Switches should be placed on the door handle side, observing the height of no more than meter.
  • It will be more convenient to control the light from two places - from the entrance and the side of the bed.
  • Dimmers that smoothly adjust illumination, ideal for the bedroom.
  • The height of the location of the sockets above the surface of the furniture - chests, bedside tables and other interior items - 0.2 meters.
  • Dual outlets in this room are considered for one outlet. The value of current in 16 A is allowed, but usually put 10 A.
  • It is best to immediately consider the placement of furniture so that massive interior items during the permutation did not cover access to outlets.


  • Outlets should be at a distance of at least 0.6 meters from watercourse devices - toilet, bath, sink, shower. It is necessary to provide a protective apparatus (RCD).
  • Accommodation height - 1 meter.
  • Switches are recommended to be installed at the entrance to the room on the outer wall.
  • It is forbidden to install sockets inside shower cabins.


  • Depending on the size of the corridor, the optimal option will be the installation of transition switches at the beginning and at the end of the room. Another option is possible: Install the switch on photocells or a pulse relay to control the voice.
  • Height is selected based on access. At the input, the switches are best positioned at the height of the elongated hand - 0.9 meters, the sockets are 0.3 meters.
  • So that when passing through the hallway, the sockets did not interfere, they should be performed in a recessed form.
  • The number of outlets is at least one thing for 10 square meters.
  • Their optimal location is in the corners.

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