Grow a strong seedlings of peppers in your method


Large bright multicolored peppers do not need compliments, moreover, they are simply interested in growing: Agrotechnika although it is known, but allows full space for creativity.

Grow a strong pepper seedlings in your way

It happens: the family is alone, and all its members behave in different ways. Why study this difference? Yes, it is better to please each garden inhabitant. So with peppers and tomatoes that we are already growing about 20 years. At first they tried to plant them near (tomatoes and peppers) on one bed. They are friendly, they are not bad, (after all, those from the family of Parenic), but tomatoes are growing normally, and the pepper crop from year to year is extremely unstable - that is, that is not.

Selected zoned varieties, read literature, consistent with knowledgeable people. And they came to the conclusion that the agricultural engineering of tomatoes and peppers is insignificant, but different.

Peppers are more heat-loving, somewhat perturbed to the soil structure. The earth should be very loose. Tomatoes do not like polishing on stems and especially in the leaves. And peppers are still! But Tomatoes do not notice drafts. But peppers start to cunning.

There are small subtleties and in the cultivation of seedlings: Tomatoes picking are tolerated easily, but the peppers are "slowed down." Yes, and after disembarking into the ground for a permanent place for ten days, "conceived" - like "where did I get, is it worth growing further or easier to start?". So standing in great sense when placing seedlings to every seed to immediately determine the personal "housing", and then it is maximally delicately and with "big honors" to plant at a permanent place.

Since the peppers do not like dive, but it turned out to be in the process of growing, that they love the crew of the top, but everything is in order.

Pepper seedlings

We prepare the soil under the peppers in advance. From the fall, we gain in the forest bruises sheet humus, stuff the boxes of this soil by adding superphosphate and ash, as well as the purchase coconut substrate. We leave them in the sheds until January - let it be married.

When the sowing of seeds is suitable, the soil is in a greenhouse, we water the mixture with an almost boiling dark solution of manganese (0.5 h. Spoons on 5 liters of water), immediately cover the thickness of a thick polyethylene film and wear a gum to the box so that the earth steam.

After cooling, we give it to dry to loose state, and then fill the cups with a height of 10-12 cm on 2/3 of the volume, so that there remains a place for a low-end ground. In the walls of the cup pre-make air holes.

Seeding seeds

Sow dry seeds, pre-signing a cup (the name of the variety). We sprinkle on top of the earth by 1-1.3 cm and water from above hot water (70-75 c) for the best germination of seeds. We close the cups with a film and put them in a warm place (25-28 c) before shooting. Then remove the film and we are already "sprouted" cups with peppers to the greenhouse.

Seedlings water only under the root, absolutely gradually with warm water with water (about 23 c). The temperature of the air in the day in the greenhouse is about 25-30 C, it is desirable at night 15-18, so the peppers are better formed roots. The peculiarity of our method of growing seedlings of peppers consists in a seedlings of seedlings over 5-6 sheet, which stimulates the formation of side shoots, on which it will ripen the main harvest.

Grow a strong pepper seedlings in your way

Pipher seedlings

When the stalks in the nodes begin to be painted, the time comes to pinch the growth point to limit growth in height, stimulate the formation of steppes to increase the yield of the plant and premature premature aging.

Manicure scissors cut off everything that is above the seventh real sheet. The next day, pinned plants spray the growth stimulant. After the segments of the sinuses of the leaves begin to actively grow stepsics. It is usually formed by 4-5 stems. In the lower sinuses, also appear junction of steps. It is not necessary to delete them - this is laid the next wave of the harvest. Her time will come after the first stepsing will be filled. By the time the seedling seedlings in the ground, buds are formed on the steps. During the summer season, the plant no longer form.

About feeding pepper seedlings

To increase yield, we begin feeding a weak solution of ash and superphosphate. When warm weather comes, not lower than 10 s, we take our favorite for hardening - first for the day, then we leave for the night. In warm weather, we plant seedlings to the ground. Well refill with compost, ash, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate, a little dry chicken litter - all mix and abundantly pour warm water. We cut the cups with scissors and together with a room of the earth landing peppers on the bed.

After landing in the ground, we feed the urea pepper several times (1 tbsp. Spoon per liter of water), it is very suitable for this culture (increases the green mass of plants and the power of bushes). We also feed the influence of any organic fertilizer (a coward or chicken litter) in permissible doses.

At the end of July, we again remove the tops from the peppers, we leave no more than 10-15 fruits on the plant. Vintage pleases and eyes and soul.

To prolong this joy, at the end of September, early October, in front of possible night frosts put on the bed with the peppers of the arc with a film. We advise you to try such a method of growing sweet pepper - we hope you will be satisfied.

Valery Bizhen

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