We make raised beds - fence do it yourself


For many dacms and gardeners, the problem of the fence of the garden and the club is very relevant. No matter how modern is a cottage (with lawns, playground, patio, barbecue and other fashionable elements of landscape design), a couple of beds with vegetables and greens, and, moreover, flower beds and trees are always present on the plot.

Options for making fences for beds, flowerbed or trees there are many, and for these purposes various materials, their combinations and shapes are used. You can buy a ready-made fence in the store or make it yourself, applying your fantasy, skills and infirred building materials. And save at the same time that for most is also an important factor.

How to independently make fences for beds

With any unbelonged bed, the land is constantly crouching, it is uncomfortable to care for it: to loosen, to cover seedlings during cooling. If you have a fence, you will have a comfortable garden, clean space between the beds, and the entire garden will have a neat and well-groomed look.

Of all the existing building materials, I most impresses the tree, especially for the design of the beds, where edible plants grow - vegetables and greens.

Wooden frame for beds make it very simple and easy, for this you will need the following materials and tools:

boards (can be new or used, 25-30 mm thick);

Electrolovka or hacksaw;


a hammer;




First you need to determine the size of the bed. Often, the width of the garden is 100-110 cm., Based on the landing scheme of most vegetables and ease of processing. Length may be arbitrary. For example, I made a bed with a width of 1 m. And a length of 3.2 m. The height is one or two boards, usually one is quite enough. The shape of the bed, by the way, may be different: rectangle, square, triangle, trapezium.

Next, preparation of boards. If they are new, then preparation lies in markup and sawing. If the boards are used, it is necessary to remove the existing nails with a nail, possibly a little to the plane or whiten the special composition whitening wood.

Each of the fences for beds consists of a wooden frame (2 boards of 1 m and 2 boards of 3.2 m) and 6-"legs" of arbitrary length. Nails are used for fastening parts. "Legs" are needed to give rigidity to the frame. Four of them are attached at the corners of the design from the inside, two are approximately in the middle of the long parties. In our case, the "legs" did, mostly where the boards had to be allowed. In addition, if there is a joint, the place of connecting the boards is better to close with a wooden overlay from trimming a board with a length of about 20 cm.

The "legs" for the wooden fence can be arbitrary length, which depends on the density of the soil available in the presence of materials (for example, the remains of boards from the construction of the bath). We initially did not calculate and made very long "legs", which were difficult to score into the ground and had to spill them. From the edge where the "legs" will enter the ground, they must be sharpened by an ax from two sides.

Staining fences for beds

Materials and tools:




paint breeding capacity;


Finished fences for the beds must be protected from atmospheric influence (UV radiation, moisture) and biological factors (insects, fungi, mold), as well as provide a better subsequent compound of the surface of the base coated. To do this, you can use primer, and as a finish coating - oil paint on an alkyd basis.

Tip: In order not to buy the primer, use your paint, which is strongly split off "White Spirit" (NEFRA-C4-155 / 200).

If you do not intend to use paint, then the tree can be protected with a very simple primer variant - soap.

Preparation of primer "Soylovar"

You will need the following components (on 5 liters):

Negashing lime - 1 kg;

Economic soap - 100 grams;

Olife - 20-30 grams;


Fill the lime with a small amount of water (1.5-2 liters) and mix.

Separately mix the olive and soap. Soap cut the chips and pour with boiling water, add Olif in hot soap water.

During the "boiling" of the lime, mix the solutions (add an emulsion to lime), dreamed with water to full volume and strain.

Production of paint capacity

If you use different paints that need to be mixed before getting the right color, or dilute the paint for the primer, then you will need a special container. You can, of course, buy a bucket or other dishes, but it is easier to make it yourself from an empty five-liter water bottle.

The bottle is cut with a knife along, retreating from the bottom of 1/3 or 2/3 of the height of the bottle. On both sides of the selection pierce the holes (you can make holes with a heated metal), insert a piece of wire or wires, bend. It turns out an excellent "bucket" with a handle.

After your fences are ready for the beds, you need to give paint to dry, then you can be installed on the bed.

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