Decor flower pots do it yourself


Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Flower pot decor with their own hands.

Ordinary flower pots from shops look equally, and those that stand out something, as a rule, have a too high price. Therefore, inventive mistresses around the world with their own hands create a new decor of flower pots with sea seashells, ribbons, pebbles, newspapers and other familiar materials. All of them are undoubtedly, can help achieve a wonderful result, but having some experience and fantasy, easy to guess how they use with even greater benefit and originality.

We will tell you how beautiful and easily decorate the flower pot so that its decor can be changed every day, depending on the mood. To do this, you will need, first of all, acrylic paint, which turns any surface into the school board. Now it is not difficult to get it, especially through the Internet. With its help, your flower pots will be magically turning into easels for drawing or board for notes, depending on what you like more.

To make your easel look pretty and gently, we suggest following such instructions:

    1. Make a stencil through which you will apply paint - heart, circle or any other. Put it to the pot. In no case do not use regular paper for the stench, otherwise the paint is absorbed and it will be impossible to tear it. Take the most dense cardboard, which you can find.
Decor of flower pots do it yourself 1
    1. Apply a roller or tassel paint for drawings with chalk into several layers. Read the instructions for paint - usually every layer takes about an hour to dry.
Decor of flower pots do it yourself 2
    1. If you want to change the color of paint with black on some other, mix the jar of acrylic paint of the color that you need with several tablespoons of a sand-cement solution, and add to the purchased paint. In this case, the paint was used white.
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    1. Make a butterfly or other heart from the stencil, do not forget to leave enough space so that the white paint does not get on the rest of the pot.
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    1. Attach the stencil to the pot and fidgeted paint.
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    1. Alternatively, if from the picture that you like is easier to just cut, than to make stencil from it, attach it to the pot and carefully circle with a thin sharp knife or seer.
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That's all, it's time to enjoy your own inventions! In the photo below, you can learn the ideas of various applications of such a kind of decoration of flower pots.

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