Useful tips beginners, but also experienced gardens


Useful tips not only beginners, but also experienced gardens

For rapid growth tomato

Tomato seedlings are watered with iodine mortar for faster growth (1 drop into three liters). After applying this solution, seedlings bloom faster, and the fruits will be larger.

Iodine can protect tomatoes and from phytoophulas.

To do this, you will need a few drops of iodine and 250 grams of milk, mix them with 1 liter of water. The solution is one drop of iodine for three liters of water, this iodine solution must be picked up by the seedlings of tomatoes.

From this to increase productivity and will be more fruit.

Spraying solution tomato from phytofluors

From phytoophulas - every 2 weeks spray tomatoes with a solution of milk with iodine. Spraying solution: for 10 liters of water, add a liter of milk and 15 drops of iodine. The resulting solution to abundantly spray tomatoes (so that the bushes flowed).

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are often made without taking into account weather. Meanwhile, in cold weather, the feeders are useless, as the nutrients do badly enter the roots. The roots of most vegetable crops work better when the soil temperature is above 10 ° C.

Pretty Plants Mineral Fertilizers

When filtering plants divorced in water, mineral fertilizers from watering can often fall into the leaves. This is accompanied by burns. The golden rule of the gardener says that it is necessary to feed the fertilizer with a solution neatly under the root, and if it is inappropriate, he fell on the leaves, it is recommended to immediately wash off with clean water from the watering.

How to feed plants with liquid fertilizers

Supports with liquid fertilizers on dry soil lead to roots burns. First you need to moisten the soil with water, and then feed.

Infected diseases Bottva must be burned.

The vegetable residues infected with the pathogens of diseases of the BOTS sometimes leaving, mixing with the soil, as a result of which infection occurs. Sick plants should be removed throughout the growing season, and in the fall to burn or bury away from the garden (no closer than 50 meters from the site).

What leads to fatigue?

A permanent cultivation on a plot of one culture, for example, potatoes, leads to the fatigue of the soil and the accumulation of causative agents of the disease. In this case, it is difficult to get a high harvest of healthy tubers. It is necessary to avoid the neighborhood of plants of the same family. For example, turnip, radishes, the cabbage is affected by Kila, and they are unwanted to grow on one bed.

Why do not plant grow on infected land?

Not representing the consequences, often grown on the old infected land, obviously condemned plants for illness. For seedlings it is necessary to use only freshly prepared soil mixtures. And when buying seedlings should be carefully checked, there is no pests on it. Often with the seedle put on your site the whitefly, Tlya, a web tick, which then you have to withdraw over the years. After all, when spraying plants insecticides, only 70-80% of pests die. The remaining individuals are capable of increasing their number in thousands of times.

Do not abuse nitrogen fertilizers

With the cultivation of white-baked cabbage, it is impossible to abuse nitric fertilizers, especially ammonium forms, as they reduce the focus of kochanov and increase their susceptibility to bacterial diseases. In addition, the phytosanitary state of the soil deteriorates, the overall sustainability of plants is reduced.

Water plants on time.

In the provision of cauliflower and sweet pepper moisture - one of the main failures in the cultivation of these crops. Even short-term drying of the soil, both in the cultivation of seedlings and adult plants, cannot be compensated in further abundant irrigation.

So that tomatoes are better pollinated.

Tomatoes are poorly tying fruit, often dump buds, especially at the first two brushes, with bad pollination. So that the fruits were tied well, the brushes with blossomed flowers are needed every day, better in the morning, slightly shake. With a small amount of plants, you can pollinate, touching the flowes with a vat or a soft tassel.

Why packing tomatoes?

If the strongest intederminant varieties of tomatoes are not meating, they continue to branch, form very small fruits, some of which do not have time to grow.

Do not water the plants with cold water.

When watering cold water, all heat-loving cultures inevitably fall into root rot.

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