Why foreigners add Russian girls to "friends"


Why are foreigners add to

Today I want to share sad experience in order to warn you from rapid consent to friendship in Facebook. This letter is especially addressed to girls, women. If you read my story, you do not have to spend hours to clean the list of friends, as I had to.

Friendship in social networks - two approaches

Before this case, I treated friendship in social networks in different ways depending on the mood. In some period, the account studied each knocked on the subject of advertising and looks at life. In another - received requests from all in a row.

What starts a snowball

Recently, just in the second period, a stranger knocked on Facebook with the name on Latin. I approved the request without looking.

After a couple of minutes, someone asked for another foreigner, I also added. After that, the requests of men with an unpetual appearance began to grow as a snowball. Without exaggerations - in geometric progression! That is, I closed the social network on some half an hour, and, opening, found 30-50 requests. So that they hung ", I approved them. And everything was repeated, but even more.

The fact is that Facebook creators have provided tools to pushing users to make friends with a lot of people. You will be obsessively looked at the profiles of friends of your friends with the prompt "you can know them." Seeing the avatar of the girl with a Cyrillic name in friends with "his", foreigners thought: "Yeah, it means that she will add me too" and knocked me to me.

When personal messages are innocuous only at first glance

After about a day I began to bother me, and I began to reject new requests. But less than them did not become. In addition, personal messages appeared with some bouquets, cats, smiles, compliments and greetings in English and autotransmitted Russian. I opened the first posts, then I already removed, without looking to clean the story and not miss an important correspondence with colleagues and friends.

I was asked only one question - what is the purpose of these people, if in my profile it is the status of "married", and Facebook, as an international network, translates this status in the languages ​​of different users? A little later you will learn what you need these people.

Meanwhile, I began to ask my friends not only people with names in Latinet, but also on Arabica.

Chronicle on Facebook for which you shame

I realized that I did not respond to personal messages, people unknown to me from Egypt and Syria began to place on my wall (in my chronicle, if we talk about facebook) postcards with text, meaning something like "Thank you for accepting friendship" .

I worried about my business reputation - on Facebook I have many colleagues who could see it. I have a cushion - sons, the avatar is also decent, and the whole wall in postcards from Macho from Damascus. I removed these pictures, blocked senders.

As you understand, by this time I have already regretted a million times that I began to add everything in a row. It should be noted here that all the events described occurred within one and a half or two days. That is, I have not yet managed to understand that it all means. After all, I was online not all the time and reacted in the interruptions between the main affairs.

How reacted by her husband

Why you can not accept requests for friendship in social networks from unfamiliar foreigners

For dinner, I complained to my wife on the stream of strange people, and my favorite says: "Delete them! Some place residence is Syria. In the profile, everything is on Arabica, you do not understand what is written there. Maybe this is a terrorist, and you have friends. "

Unfortunately, Mount-Friends have already gained 400 people by the time, and I thought with horror, how much time I am spending on cleaning. Make a new account is also not an option - here I have all the necessary contacts, correspondence, memories, communities.

I thugreed how to remove unnecessary "friends" at once a bundle. I realized that a simple way does not exist. Even if you download a special extension for a browser, unnecessary friends you still need to manually group on the list. That is, in the end, I still poke everyone.

In general, I refused this idea for a while, because I didn't have free time. But I was wrong - then it happened that time found.

How I started to substitute acquaintances, not wanting

In the same evening, these strangers began to get not only me, but also girls who have in friends. Sister wrote me: "Vic, some of your friends offer me friendship in Facebook. Some Danis Abuzer. " And then I have already become understood that these people like a locust, they attack not only my account. That is, I "substitute" your loved ones and acquaintances. It really acquired the nature of the virus!

The most terrible thing that has become the last straw

Almost immediately after that, it happened, after which I did not regret midnight on manual removal of each alien, just to get rid of it forever.

It turns out that Facebook has the option of video calls. My smartphone is unusually stolen, and I saw a call from someone with a foreign name. I was surprised from such arrogance - I didn't even call people calling on the video, I did not finally agree in the correspondence (why I prefer the voice call call, I told in detail here).

Well, I ignored the challenge, and Zhenya says: "Next time you give the phone!"

10 minutes did not pass, as a new video call was heard. I gave a smartphone with my husband, and myself went to the nursery. According to the zhenya, on the other side of the screen sat naked (!) Man and performed characteristic actions.

When Zhenya said it to me, I thought that I would die from shame for the fact that I, such a difficult person in life, did not include filtering requests and ran into this nightmare.

Why foreigners add Russian girls as a friend

And then the goal of all these requests began to reach me gradually, and I chewed it too. Yes, it is not a "recruitment", as suggested earlier Zhenya. This is a virtual-perverted communication on video with women who are not similar to mentality on women from countries where these concerned men live. Most likely, their women walk in closed clothes and do not sit on the Internet, so these people are knocking on Russian for virtual communication.

Foreigners do not look at any statuses - they do not care at all: in marriage you or in an active search. These people knock on everything in a row with Cyrillic names - any inattentive (like me) will approve the request.

How to delete recently added friends from Facebook

After this, I, despite the lack of time, began to clean your list of friends. Fortunately, on Facebook, when you open a list of friends there is a "recently added" button.

Why you can not accept requests for friendship in social networks from unfamiliar foreigners

If you click on it, then these people are not going tovened with normal friends, but in a row.

While I manually deleted everyone, I was sent a few more messages in PM. But one were no longer flowers and seams, but a porn shot. I thought I was quenched (although I am quite an adult woman).

I so quickly began to clean the list that I forgot to make screenshots for this post. Removal, finally, the last Arab friend and recovers your list of friends, I exhaled. Zhenya took this story with humor and still sometimes hesitating over my naivety.


  • Perhaps the main conclusion - it is necessary to relate to the approval of requests in social networks. Especially if a stranger is knocking with an unusual for a Russian-speaking man with the name written not on Cyrillic.
  • Spammers with names on Cyrillic, of course, is also enough - they usually harm only adding you to publicly available groups. I do not understand why this kind of communities still exists in Facebook. For blogtori, for example, I created a group where it is impossible to add a person without demand. You can only offer him to put "Like".
  • I also noticed that not only me, but many of my friends and acquaintances are frivolously relate to requests. It happens, some kind of person is knocking, you see that you have 20 common friends with him - the normal, respected people from the media sphere. And you think "probably, this is also some kind of journalist, press secretary or a pationer" and add. And the man turns out to be an ordinary spammer. That is, just the presence of common friends is not a guarantee at all.
  • The only 100% option is not running on perverts and spammers - watch every profile knocked. It is spent in time, but here it is worth remembering my sad experience - I eventually killed a bunch of time to clean my friend's list. It turns out, Saving once half a minute, I then spent two hours.

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