Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life


Which of us does not like Cold Coca-Cola, despite all the warnings about her harmfulness? By the way, this fluid is quite universal: in addition to the thickening thirst, it can be superb in everyday life, and very effective.

1. Killer of pests

Pour Coca-Cola in a bowl and set the colors and plants. The smell of this powerful non-alcoholic beverage will attract pests. Having tasted the sweet driver, they will soon die from its acidity.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

2. Windshield defrost

Can't Clean the windshield from ice? Pour the coca-cola on it and wait a minute until the ice turn into a cold, and then read it quickly.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

3. Cleaning dishes

If you have any problems with the removal of pollution on saucepans and frying pan, pour into them Coca-Coke and boil on weak heat. And now, with ease, remove the dirt and scale. You can not even boil, but simply dunk dishes in Coca-Cole.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

4. Splitting rusty bolts

Can't unlock old rusty bolts? Try to loosen them a little, pour Coca-Cola and wait a couple of minutes. The acidic properties of the beverage should be enough to not only clean the space around the bolts, but also easily unscrew them.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

5. Removal of stains from clothes

Spots of fat or blood on her beloved shirt? Not a problem! Pour Coca-Clause to the pollution sites, and then post the thing. By the way, the clothes should not be white!

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

6. Paintaking with Jellyfish burn

Are you stung by jellyfish? A little coca-cola on the affected skin and pain subsight.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

7. Motor cleaning machine

Try to clean the motor with Coca-Cola. Many distributors of this drink use such a proven Lifehac for decades.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

8. Cooking with Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola not only cleans the frying pan, but also improves the taste and aroma of dishes. Square to drink pieces of meat drink, and in the cooking process they will become much more gentle. And mixing Coca-Cola and Mayonnaise, you can make a unique sauce for glazing fish and meat.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

9. Cleaning old coins

Collect the old coins, which are often covered with mud? Just put them in Coca-Claus for 10 minutes, and they will soon shine like new ones.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

10. Cleaning tile

Coca-Cola is an excellent alternative to remove the cement mortar from your bath or kitchen tile. Pour it on the tile, let it stand for a few minutes, and then wipe.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

11. Removing hair rhums

Imagine - Stream optional. Just plunge your hair with a gum into a small bowl with Coca-Coke for a few minutes. The chemical composition of the beverage is slowly engaging the chewing, and this will allow you to easily remove it.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

12. Cleaning toilet bowl

Pour Coca-Colace toilet and just leave. The beverage power is such that all dirt on the toilet will dissolve and wait enough time without special cleaning agents, and then rinse the toilet and watch how dirt disappears.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

13. Undercalinking plants

Although Coca-Cola is a sweet and acid drink, it has nutrients that are useful for certain plants, for example, for azaleas and garment. Add a slightly coca-cola to the soil.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

14. Insect trap

Do you get all sorts of insects in nature? Pour Coca-Coke into a small bowl and put it near the table, where you are going to eat, say, half an hour before the meal. Insects will now be interested in sticky sweetness, not your dishes and you yourself.

Top 14 ways to use Coca-Cola in everyday life (15 photos)

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