Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique


Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique
With each spring day, the holiday of Light Easter is getting closer. And in addition to Pask and Kulich, an integral attribute of this holiday is, of course, colorful eggs. Want to decorate your festive table, and at the same time surprise all households and guests? Then pull the Easter eggs on the Grace-Ebru Art technique - it is very beautiful and at all difficult at that.

Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique

Another advantages of this technique are that the finished eggs do not paint the hands and the paint does not penetrate through the shell.

You will need:

  • nail polish of several colors;
  • water container;
  • toothpick

Capacity for work It is worth taking the one that after it will not be sorry to throw out, because in the process it is quite strongly blocked by nail polish. Also, the diameter of the selected capacitance should not be too large: the surface of the water is the working area of ​​the picture.

After preparing everything for work, in the center of the tank with water in one drop ripping varnish, thereby increasing the working surface. It is very important to drip the next drop only when the previous one went well. Thus, alternating colors, create such a workpiece with rings.

Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique

Then we take the toothpick and begin to create a drawing, for example, a flower. First we divor into future petals towards the edge, it is important that they stick to the walls of the tank. And then, on the contrary, we reduce the drawing to the center. We give a ready-to-face pattern a little, it will take about 15 seconds.

Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique

Then omit the boiled egg into the water with a pattern, which myself sticks to the surface. The surface of the egg must necessarily be dry, and the work itself is better carried out in gloves.

That's all, colorful Easter eggs are ready! Do not be afraid to experiment and create various drawings in this technique. And even if it seems to you that something went wrong, do not hurry to start the drawing again, because the varnish on the water is quite comprehensive and you will most likely still correct the situation and save the drawing.

Prayes Easter eggs magnificent but simple Grace Ebru technique

And below you can see a detailed video with this amazing egg coloring technique for Easter.

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