5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes


Do not throw shoes only because of small scuffs. We will tell you how easy it is possible to revive old shoes.

All simple!

1. Toothpaste

Apply a little paste on problem areas and spend. Then go through the shoe with a damp cloth and dry.

S5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes

2. Food Soda

S5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes

Mix 2 tablespoons of food soda and 100 ml of warm water. Apply a mixture on shoes and wait. If there is no noticeable result, repeat the procedure.

3. Detergent for dishes

Add a tablespoon tools for a liter of warm water, fooled and wash the shoes with a solution.

S5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes

4. Liquid remover

Apply a little money on your cotton swab and spend the problem space. After that, apply a children's talc or vaseline on it. This method works well for shoes from lacquered skin and for tennis shoes.

S5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes


Watch up the problem areas. The main thing is to use a soft eraser, and not rough, otherwise everything can be done even worse.

5 simple ways to remove rubbing with shoes

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