Amazing thing can be made of a towel impregnated with cement mortar


A little fantasy, cement-sand mixture and 48 hours - that's all you need to create cheap and beautiful things.

A amazing thing can be made of a towel, impregnated with cement mortar concrete, completions, concrete products, from boredom for all hands, utility, cement

First you need to prepare a large container for the kneading solution. It will take cement (1 part), fine sand (3 parts) and water. First, mix the sand with the cement. Add water in small portions. The solution should turn out to be liquid, something for consistency resembling thick sour cream.

A amazing thing can be made of a towel, impregnated with cement mortar concrete, completions, concrete products, from boredom for all hands, utility, cement

After in the mixture, heal the fabric (large terry towels are suitable). Thin tissue absorbed a little solution. From fine tissue, too fragile products will be obtained, therefore it is preferable to use a terry fabric.

A amazing thing can be made of a towel, impregnated with cement mortar concrete, completions, concrete products, from boredom for all hands, utility, cement

After on a pot or bucket, covered with a film, hang impregnated fabric.

A amazing thing can be made of a towel, impregnated with cement mortar concrete, completions, concrete products, from boredom for all hands, utility, cement

Give me to dry. It will take about 48 hours.

A amazing thing can be made of a towel, impregnated with cement mortar concrete, completions, concrete products, from boredom for all hands, utility, cement

After drying, it turns out the original porridge.

Successful experiments.

A source

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