How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak


How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

They have everyone. Someone simply does not pay attention, and someone leads a protracted war with them, long in length. The name of these small enemies of mankind and beautiful skin is black dots. You can spend a lot of money on expensive funds that promise to save you from them forever. But you will probably lose. But this is a simple and very budgetary tool will help win in unequal battle. Check yourself.

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

Internet is shot by instructions, how to get rid of black dots at home. And the method described below deservedly enjoys the greatest popularity and honorable. And all because it is available each. And the money and time will require a minimum.

To get rid of black dots at home, prepare:

1. Vaseline;

2. Foodflower;

3. Little towel;

4. A pair of paper napkins

Step 1

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

First of all, be sure to accept the hot shower. This will help how to split the skin. Pores will become wider, and their contents will be removed much easier.

Step 2.

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

On the problem area (I suspect that it will be the nose) apply a dense layer with vaseline. And it is more dense - the better.

Step 3.

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

Vaseline treated area Cover the food film. Yes, we need a greenhouse effect. Therefore, take a towel, gently moisten it in a very warm water and put on top.

Step 4.

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

The most difficult. You need to withstand with such beauty on your face at least 5 minutes 5. But now you can remove all this design, armed with two clean napkins and gently pressing on the skin. Do it opposite the mirror, and you will see how the contents of the softened pore are not the most aesthetic image asking outside. Carefully remove it with a napkin or a clean cotton waller.

How to quickly get rid of black dots on the face: unexpected and very budget lifehak

How to quickly get rid of black dots at home

Result: Skin clean, and reflection in the mirror pleases. Beauty.

A source

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