Gift for a child - Candy typewriter


Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

A gift for a child - a machine from candies with his own hands.

The original gift for the child is a car from sweets - will not leave indifferent to a single baby-sweet.

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

What you need (what I needed, someone will be different):

1. Polyfoam Two pieces: one 20 per 10 cm (bottom of the machine), another for the top of the machine 11 by 10 cm

2. Cardboard for wheels (diameter 5-6 cm)

3. Paper for wrapped machine and wheels,

4. Candy Cow (36 pcs - 2 packs), eclairs (65 pcs - more packs), Golden Lilia (4 pieces), Corofeto (4pcs) - I ordered a car from the cows, so they were basic. I was late in the evening, so supplemented with everyone that was at hand.

Cuts out of the foam two rectangles (the roof is a bit of the cut), connected with hot glue, pasted with paper.

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

Cut the wheels from the cardboard, the sides pasted the corrugated paper, on top - the usual one was glued down. Candy sticked up: in the center of Golden Lilia (candy fades down and glued), around small eclairs.

This is the basis of foam.


Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

Wheels in candy:

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

So stolen:

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

Gift for a child - Candy typewriter

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