Kitchen in Wonderland


As they say, a little madness in your ribbon.

Kitchen in the usual tip 7.4 sq.m.

I will start with a sad state in which we got a kitchen from past owners. The kitchen looked dirty: wallpaper, floor, headset - everything was in incomprehensible spots that were not laundered simply from old age. I did not see the wallpaper temporarily. I did not see, in this state there was all the kitchen - from the floor to the ceiling. We lived tolerated for a while.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Twenty-year-old headset (by the way, in the photo only what was not falling apart - half of the modules thrown out). White table - it's she's shabby. Stainless steel sink many times cut my fingers and t-shirts. Transparent shelves still do not digest. Well, it is unrealistic to constantly place beautiful dishes, especially if she is so barely climbs. Well, or I unreal)))

Kitchen in Wonderland

Very infuriated that the upper drawers are not to the ceiling. You will put something on them - the feeling of silence. + Dust constant to which I have allergies.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Bottom boxes are simply all the curves, oblique, sawdust. On this photo, I have already collected dishes before repairs, so it is in sight. Profov not laundering from old age linoleum ... hell hell hell ...

Kitchen in Wonderland

After getting rid of all the spare parts of the kitchen, happiness came)))

The floor was flooded, the walls were processed, transferred the gas pipe closer to the wall. So they just abandon her, Gorgaz refused, but agreed to move to the wall, so that we could sew her. The hole, of course, was left, so that if suddenly, feel the smell of gas.

Put the floor. The same as in the corridor. Patchwork gray. Ceram Marazzi, Colleano collection. It is a porcelain stoneware, it is warmer tiles, so we did not make a warm floor. Checked for the winter - did not regret. We go barefoot :)

Kitchen in Wonderland

For a long time I could not decide on the choice of tiles on the apron. I really wanted a cable (bricks), but now they have every second. Watched on them, they decided to make just squares. By the way, as it turned out, the white glossy squares without drawing will find ... In the end, I saved the same Cerama Marazzi, a collection of confetti. Tiles were fastened, I had to strive :)

Kitchen in Wonderland

With grouting a whole story. Since she was needed white, and the usual white yellowing, dirty, and there is a million ways to spoil it, we bought epoxy. Here is an important point. The master should be able to rub it perfect! Immediately clean the surplus! If you buy epoxy grout, immediately buy a liquid that dissolves it. She picked up on the tile, are waiting for 3 minutes and further with force erases backward grouts. And this should be done for about 4 hours. Otherwise you will simply sprinkle a tile along with the grout and lay a new tile again. Grout when drying becomes solid as a stone. It does not get dirty, does not shy, it is easy to wash, nothing absorbs. Verified for the year. It is original. Expensive, difficult, but it was worth it!

Well, then there were glass and pistachio paint. On the pictures almost impossible to transfer her color. She is more swamp and bright in fact. A detailed story about glass windows in the blog about the Corridor "Pistashko". Paint Ticurille Joker Enhogsin.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Separately tell about the window. I was very confused with him. All sewed drywall (as in all rooms), changing the batteries and pipes in advance. Lases left the batteries - grille.

Made a niche with sockets there. The height of the niche was selected based on the size of the refrigerator - so that the top door opened, and the refrigerator was standing closely, without gaps.

Behind the refrigerator socket for it is the height of the measure based on where the grill ends at the refrigerator.

The window itself before it was divided into two identical parts. Now the left side with the grille and opens to the ventilation, the right one opens only to "wash". The fact is that the left side of the window is frozen fridge, and, no matter how cool, it did not get up to us. Thus, most of the window skips more light + both sash open. + on the windows hung the rolls, because We have a sunny side, and until the lunch is a hell of the sun hits the eye :)

Kitchen in Wonderland

Clock with aliexpress. There are the same designer original hours, but they are very big and expensive. I found on Ali fake. They are with holes, so they shine through them. I perfectly approached the color, I adore them :) By the way, they have different colors.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Further the headset itself. Mary. Kitchen Jazz. Dear, Khamski, disgust managers and collectors, but the quality is still happy.

From left to right at the bottom:

1. Retractable boxes 30 cm. Narrow, but others simply did not fit.

2. Sink stone color champagne - I like it very much, dirt is not entrusted. She is small, but dishes are also not mine, as they put the dishwasher, so there is enough.

3. Magic corner. There are pots and pans. They took the cheapest plastic. Very convenient, I like it very much, and the place in the corner is not lost.

4. Dishwasher built-in. And how did I live without it?

5. Spirit cabinet and cooking panel. Hobberbar enamel. It was a fundamental choice. Glass - not my right ... below the drawer - there is a storage kitchen towels and apron.

6. The refrigerator left the old (although it's like white, maybe when get rich). Magnets, of course, left, have appeared three products. As can be seen on the photo below, docked with the window, so that everything opens :)

Top cabinets are fundamentally to the ceiling, 97 cm. Height.

From left to right at the top:

1. TV (all sockets are hidden behind him)

2. The dryer, which is discolored due to the handle (immediately knew that there would be such a jamb, but I did not see the output, left so. It does not interfere, whether they are simply used to ventilation. That is, the utensils will dry quickly, it is ventilated.

3. Large closet for all Labuda. There a lot of glasses from Ikea (we are fans) and all sorts of other joys of life.

4. Built-in extract (covered with a white plate). Telescopic (it seems like this), put forward forward. Sockets and corrugations are hidden in the cabinet (there is a socket for exhaust and backlight).

5. Impact cabinet over the refrigerator. There were shouted what rarely use. I, honestly, with difficulty there I can climb with my 170 growth. But without it there would be a vague hole over the refrigerator :)

Kitchen in Wonderland

The choice of color headset was also chosen from the consideration - in turn. Have all kinds of gloss, which happens. Only on enamel is not visible fingerprints, so they chose it.

Ceiling as in the corridor, wheels, 6 points (light, like in paradise).

Niche was originally clogged with boards - Ventkanals pass behind it. Disassembled, gently took advantage. It made a rosette for the microwave, and she miraculously stood there. On her, in turn, the favorite electroerl miraculously got miraculously :)

The table is common under a light tree, sockets on the working surface of 3 pieces. With them ran out. Considering the number of outlets, drunk in the corners, here 3 is a lot. For a year, the maximum was used. Type of grill and blender. Well, let them be. By the way, they made them closed, so less dumping, and they look better.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Well, then my madness splashed out. My favorite Burton lives in my head constantly. He does not bother me. And now with me for a long time)))

Here again, a white background is specially selected, so that it was lighter. Red Queen cut off nafig. Helena is so great actress that I scares me in this role, and I decided to do without her.

All action takes place at the bottom, and everyone who wants a crazy type can sit with a hat with a hat and drink a seagull or something stronger.

Kitchen in Wonderland

Just quietly, and someone will call an ambulance)))))

Kitchen in Wonderland

Wallpapers are ordered on the site the world of photoboles. There are no complaints about them. Easy pasted. The picture chose myself. That is, anyone can make a photo wallpaper from her photo. The manager moved me cuts so that they did not pass on persons. They are washable, which is very important for the kitchen. During the year they did not interfere, nothing has changed. Do not consider advertising, just this question arises often))

Kitchen in Wonderland

Dining group - folding table from Ikea and the two most popular currently integrated orange stools))) took high, because We have sick backs.

Separate council to those who buy such chairs or similar. Let them gather them right in the store. We furified with each hour of 4 - it's just curvature on curvature. After the IKEY assembly, we are not directly accustomed to so harsh Russian production.

Kitchen in Wonderland

The place for the dog (traditionally), of course, it was :)

Kitchen in Wonderland

Well, the overall motley picture of my crazy kitchen.

In general, the kitchen became clean, tidy, very light. Nothing is lying and not standing on the table and the table (there was a place everything). Style, of course, not for everyone, but for me just right)))))))))

Kitchen in Wonderland

All beaver, and it's time to drink tea!

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