6 amazing garden secrets


To grow large roots (carrots, beets, etc.), you can use the following non-traditional way to landing ...

To grow root-giants

Iron Lomik Make a hole in the ground with a depth of 30 - 40 cm. Each hole to fill the humid-ash mixture, slightly pour, put 2 - 3 seeds, slightly fall asleep the ground. Place the landing to mark the peg. Otherwise, the usual departure, only watering follows more often and more.

The cheapest fertilizer

We take a young nettle in the spring (only before the formation of seeds). I fill the barrels to the edges and fill with water, preferably rain, add a few drops of Valerian extract. After some time, the rattured alien foams and wanders, a characteristic smell will appear. And after a week, the solution of the liquid will be brightened. This means that fermentation is over and fertilizer is ready.

Before use, the rattles must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. After that, it should water the plants under the root.

Aloe - in garden purposes!

Many on the window sills are growing, this is a modest, but surprisingly healing plant - Aloe. Its magical power is widely used to combat diseases, as a component for various nutritional masks, but it can be used in gardening!

Skip aloe leaves through a meat grinder and fill with water so that it covers them. Insist 12 hours. 40 days before the seed landing (any), soak in this solution for 12 hours. Then remove, dry. 40 days later squeeze. Seeds, clouded in a biologically active growth stimulator, quickly go, fruits will be large and tasty.

Tomatoes have the property to get water themselves, leaving the roots deep into the ground.

The stem of the tomato at the bottom to flow through the copper wire. Copper ions are spread over the plant and act on the fungus as well as spraying with copper vitrios, plus do not wash off rains!

How to prepare a growth stimulant solution at home?

Solutions-stimulants of growth, contributing to good rooting of bulbs and cuttings, early blossom and increase the reproduction coefficient of bulbs, which, in addition, antibacterial properties, can be prepared at home based on honey or aloe juice:

* Stimulator growth from honey: Dilute the honey in warm water (0.5 teaspoon honey on the floor-liter can be a little warm water), the solution can be used immediately for soaking bulbs before planting (the bulbs are soaked for 10-12 hours, cuttings for 4 -6 o'clock). Before boarding the ground-processed bulbs and cuttings, rinse with clean water.

* Aloe growth stimulator: Add a tablespoon of aloe juice to a glass of slight warm water, merge into the jar, close the lid and remove into a dark cool place for a week, then add boiled water to 5 liters of fluid. In this solution, the bulbs soak for 10-12 hours, the cuttings are 4-6 hours, before planting in the ground, the bulbs and cuttings can not be flushed.

Dried roses leaves - a stunning rooting agent ...

And who knows that dried roses leaves (1 cup brew cool boiling water and add 2 drops of iodine per liter of water) is simply amazingly helping the formation of roots in plants. It is enough to handle roots or pour during the landing. The solution must be cooled.

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