Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end


Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

Today, many children, coming from school or kindergarten, are immediately sitting on their smartphones and spend hours by setting up into the screens. Some parents, sighing, make hands on them, they say that you can do. But if you turn to the past, our mom's moms, grandparents knew how to take themselves without any gadgets. Today we have collected the most popular games of the past, which were created from girlfriend. Everything was elementary simple and madly fun.

Memory scout

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game Scout Memory

Guys, know who is such a scout? This is the most brave, most clever, most observant, resourceful and endless fighter of the Red Army. No intelligence does not do any army. These are the eyes and ears of the army. From the scout, the success of victory often depends on his skills and abilities. These abilities need to be developed in themselves since childhood.

We give games that will help you develop observation, memory, resourcefulness.

25-30 small items are put on the table: key, coin, tram ticket, feather, brand, scissors, slice of sugar, etc. All items are closed with a newspaper or tablecloth. The players are suitable for the table, the newspaper rises, and they look at the items exactly one minute, trying to remember how many of them and what they are. For example: Pen with traces of ink, twisted the ticket, brand with a stamp, etc. after a minute, items

Close and everyone should write down all the items that he remembered. Wins the one who has a list longer and describes the signs of things. If the first time you could remember 14-18 items, then in the tenth or fifteenth you can easily remember 20-25.

In the figure (Fig. 1), the box with the image of the hare and attaching icons on it. Playing a minute look at this image, then rejected and on the same figure without icons (Fig. 2) are placed in the same order icons. Wins one who will correctly post icons.

Kuyc chirk

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Kuyc chirk"

Here is a game for rainy weather.

Cut out the shape from a thin cardboard, as in the figure, bend it along the intermittent lines and turn the b. It turned out a tube. Insert round pebbles into it. To close the tube, bend and glue four ends, designated by the letter A. It turns out a box-tumbler.

Make five or six knuckles and pull them into different colors. Each player has its own color. Take a smooth board and install it in an inclined position, bring cloves on it, like on our drawing. Kuzykalochki take in the hands and, by signal, release them all at once onto the board. Wins a knuckle, who has proven the first to the end of the board. For each win, the point is counted. Who will give more points, he won.

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

Desktop Kolzebros

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Table Kolzebros"

He drank three or five rings from thin plywood and painted them in different colors. Soft wood, bread or plasticine prepare ten chips. From cardboard or plywood Make a box from half the meter. At one end, put the chips with rows, you can triangle. Make from the thick plate of springboard and take it to another edge of the drawer. Got is ready.

Now distribute between the players of the rings in color and start playing. The game is done like this: the ring is put on the springboard, and the player clicks trying to squeeze it into the chip. The chip on which the ring fell is removed. Wins the one who took the most of all chips. The best players push the Rings "to order", that is, in advance indicating the purpose of the chip.


Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Turntushka"

Take two coils, a piece of wire and a cover from the box with a shoe cream. The nail of the samples in the sides of the lid two holes and the tribe cover to the coil. On the wire nasadi coil and benzni wire, as shown in the picture.

When the toy is lucky on the floor, the turntable will turn quickly.

Game "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

On the edge of the forest in a house with red shutters lived a cat and a rooster. And in a dense ylannik in the hut-krivushka there was a fox.

In a high tree, the birds are sitting and chatting the dogs that fastened a fox and wants to eat it. And the old owl says that there is no, - the cat rushed into the pursuit and took the cock in the fox.

Well, ka, guys, check, find out, took or not?

The rules of the game are: one of you will be a cat, the other is a rooster, and the third - fox. Redraw the cat, cockerel and fox on thick paper and cut them out. Make a wooden cube and draw mugs on it - from one to six. Between the front paws fox, make a break, in which the rooster is inserted. Color the figures on both sides. Make another twelve Christmas trees and spread them in those places where traces of fox are wrapped off on the grass paths. Take a cube now and throw in turn. How many points fall, so much cat and fox do steps.

At the beginning of the game, the cat goes into the forest along any path of six steps forward. With each next course, the cat turns away and does not look, where it hides. Lisa is enough cock and runs on another path. When she drops as many points that she will be able to run and hide behind the Christmas tree, then lifting this Christmas tree and hide under her fox figure with a root. When the cat is turning, he does not know where Fox hid. But here he shouts the cock: "Kukarek!" If the cat is far from the rooster or went through the wrong track, then the cockerel shouts quietly. The closer the cat, the louder shouts to him the cockerel. The cat can look under the Christmas tree if he falls as many points that he can roll off the road. If the cat found a fox under the Christmas tree or caught up with her on the track, he takes her a cockerel, and they won. Fox wins if she had time to run into her hut.

That's the whole game.

Dolls move

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Dolls moving"

Want to make such toys themselves that are drawn on the next page?

The pattern of the cat is very simple, just need to make it in the size of the hand, otherwise it will be difficult to move the paws (see Figure 1). Sweep the cat from flannel, bike or sitz (see Figure 2); The back and ears can make another color. The ears are stitched from two triangles, twisted in the inner edge slightly bend (Figure 3), and then sew to the head. In the head, shove a little cotton wool, cut out of the matter of thimble in the size of the index finger and, inserting into the head, the journey of thimble to the neck (Figure 4). Instead of eye, the sew buttons, pupil draw in mascara or paint; Instead of a nose, a slice of a piece of matter or felt or take it with threads, and make a mustache from thick thread, only first lubricate it with a slightly glue or soda wax.

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

For a Uzbek girl you need to sew a dress on the hand, which is put on the head (Figure 5). To make it, roll up a piece of cardboard and soda it fine on the grater. Two parts of this mass (by weight) and one part of the talc in half with chalk mix with liquid carbon glue and add a few drops of varnish. Embossing well-got the resulting mass, deceive her chicken egg shell with a chopped sharp tip (Figure 6). Having imposed the first layer with a thickness of the half-one, dry it and then sculpt the face. The eyes best do from shiny buttons and insert them until the mass froze.

When the head is driving, pull it out with oil paints.

Tubette our girl is sewn from four pieces of matter (Figure 7) and glued to the head; Woolen threads are sewn to it - pigtails. So that the head was firmly sat on the finger, insert a paper cartridge into it (Figure 8).

Such dolls are suitable on hand (index finger - in the head, medium and large - in hand), moving like alive.

Landing at the airfield

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Landing gliders on the airfield"

Take an oblong box from under sweets or cigarette, tear off the lid and cover it with one, narrow, side to the box of the box from the bottom with a cloth with a cloth (see Fig.), Then make a triangle from cardboard, insert between the little box and the lid; Moving it along the bottom, you can adjust the height of the lid. The cover is glued onto the lid (see Fig.). Slugging the lid in the specified places, extended flat rubber band and covering it from behind. It will be a catapult.

Upstairs are painted parts of a glitter value. The first drawing from above is the planer energies, a wooden planos. On it, the figure 1 indicates the place where a small piece of tin or foil is mounted, the number 2 is the place of attachment of the chassis (wire), the figure 3 is the place of fastening of the wings and 4 - the tail site. Wings and tail are made of thick paper. Through the transparent paper, then you turn out, cut and spin the glider, as indicated in the figure. Make three red and three blue.

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

Put the glider on the rails of the catapult, the end of the head of the elastic elastic end is the end of the island and, pulling away, let go.

Then take a sheet of paper 80 to 80 cm. Coloring it in the figure, draw the specified signs on it. It will be a airfield. And on individual pieces of paper - "forest" and "swamp". Now everything is ready. It is necessary, launching a glider with a catapult, put on the airfield all its gliders soon and better "enemy". To make it easy to achieve, you need to carefully check the wings and the tail of your glider before starting, pull out the gum with the calculation so that the glider get the desired push and sat down in the center of the airfield.

The game. The number of players - 2, 4 or 6 people. They are divided into two batches of "blue" and "red". Start in turn, through one. A player who did not fall on the airfield takes the plane back and starts in turn. Offset landings at the airfield - on points: for landing on the yellow field - 1 point; For landing in the center - 2 points.

End of the game. All gliders at the airfield. Glasses are counted.

Tennis in the room

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's game "Tennis in the room"

Do you think that you can only play tennis on the site? Let's try to play the room. Take an ordinary cork, stick in it three chicken feot. Make a little racket from plywood. Between two chairs, stretch the rope. The site is ready. Let's Play. Time! The player threw the cork and hit her racket. Another beat it off. Started throw.

For each slip, one point is counted. The winners are considered to be the one who will have the smallest number of points.

Focus game

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Children's focus game

Take a blank sheet of paper, one side of which is equal to 36 centimeters, and the other - 18 centimeters. History on it squares. They draw them the same pictures as on this big drawing. Then the leaf with the pictures on the red dotted line AB and cut - you will have two identical sheets. On the back of the Square No. 1, the smell of glue and the Klavadica No. 2 (Fig. 1 and 2). When you glue, watches, so that only squares No. 1 and No. 2. Then cut the white window in the red frame (Fig. 2).

When the window is cut, you will drive one of the sheets with pictures along the bottom horizontal feature in the middle (Fig. 3). You will close the "tractor" to "Zebra", "Caterpillar" will have to just in the carved window, and the "tram" will close a "frog". They are driving the right left picture ("gun"), and then the top and the left side of the layer in the middle of the bag, rebuilding on the upper and left edges of the frame (Fig. 4). Putting the bag to the palm (Fig. 5), show the guys and say that you can immediately move them to the middle of eight pictures.

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

Suppose they chose "Murzilka". You will bend in the middle of three left pictures ("Hedgehog", "Murzilka" and "Elephant"), they impose the top, and the right and lower folding with a bag (Fig. 6 and 7). Then imperceptibly turn the bag to the other side and deploy it: "Murzilka" will be in the frame.

So that in the frame there were angular pictures, you need to add so. For example, the guys chose "protein". Take a picture with "protein" and driving right on the carved window (Fig. 8). You have pictures of the "car" and "steamer" to be frowning on the diagonal. They are closed on them or the right picture, or the bottom (Penguin "will close the" tank "," elephant "will close" Murzilka "). The remaining squares of the certificate in the middle.

Invert - and you will see that the "squirrel" in the frame. In practice, and soon you will be affected by this focus. Remember one thing: what kind of picture will want to see in the frame, that one must first be put on the carved window, and everyone else is on it.

Figures from snow

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Figures from snow

Good winter fun - sculpt snowy figures. But for some reason you guys, nothing except Bab, do not sculpt.

But it is not so difficult.

Here is a bunny (see Fig. 1). To make it, drive into the ground (in the snow) two sticks and tie them with a rope. This rope is leaning a plank. Then everything is - and sticks and skimming - it is necessary to cut the snow. At first, the sticks are legs, then the torso, a muzzle and ears. Instead of eyes and nose, carges are inserted, and instead of the mustache - thin twigs.

It is not difficult to make a dog (see Fig. 2). From the board and four sticks arrange the table and then fill it with snow. The bear almost makes (see Fig. 3). It is more difficult to cut an elephant (see Fig. 4).

The wooden table is folded with a thick layer of snow. The snowy body of an elephant flashes on the table. On the table and the ears of the elephant are based on. The stick B is laid in the snow - the thicker is higher, below thinner, is a trunk of an elephant. Two diverging sticks in - fangs. Stick G is used to stop the head of an elephant. Instead of tail - a bent wire that fested with snow. Instead of eyes insert coals.


Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
How to make a whistle

In the middle of the coil make a cutout knife. Then refill one side of the coil and insert a round wand into the hole, cutting it a little from above. On the other hand, the coil can make a handle.

Figyoscopic homemade

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
How to make a movie

Increase our drawing twice. To do this, it is necessary to draw a mesh of squares in size twice as much more than ours, but the number of squares in length and width should be the same as on our drawing. Transfer the drawing on this grid. Inside the wall of the drawing and paint black inlet or paint. Then cut the drawing a and bend from dotted lines inside, except for the frame A, which begged on the dotted direction.

Now glue the edges of 1st 1; Frame 2 - with edges 2, 2, 2; frame A - with edges 3, 3 3; 4 and 4.

Cut the drawing B, glue the edges of 5 and 5. Tubes. Bend the duct and the tube stick to the circle of 6 drawing A. It remains to cut the tape with the framework on which a piece of carting is the same value and cut pictures placed under this drawing (tale " Hare and hedgehog ").

Insert the tape with the drawings between the frames, as shown in the drawing, and view the light (window or lamp)

Filmcop-homemade is made of thick paper. Outside it can be painted.

Walnut boats

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Making boats from walnut

Sleep carefully by a bundle inside of a walnut shell. Mast and bushprit make out of matches. To do this, glue two pieces of match across the boat, as indicated in the picture. Mast and bushchprit put between these matches and glue from the bottom and from the sides. Sail cut out of paper. Make a whole fleet from such boats.


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