Garter and blackberry appliances


A simple device in the form of a wooden striking with recesses, which is serving for garter of raspberries and blackberries and replacing the wires.

Hello selfiemers, as well as dacms and gardeners!

When the raspberry and blackberry garter, usually use a permanent wire holder. However, the wire shoulder has a number of significant drawbacks.

Firstly, such a sleeper is indisputable, which often creates inconveniences in various manipulations for the care of raspberries or blackberry (loosening of the Earth and the removal of weeds, trimming, shelter for the winter, etc.).

Secondly, the strings that plants are tied up to the wire often slide on it, which leads to the fact that the plants are rubbed with wire stalks, as well as deviate from the initial position given to them.

Well, thirdly, a very serious disadvantage of constant wire trellis, is that the raspberries and blackberries grow new stems every year, and they are often growing, where they used to be old, but a little bit alone. However, since the Speller itself remains at the same place, then the stems growing up to it again on some removal, becomes inconvenient.

Therefore, I have already had an idea for a long time, to make raspberries and blackberries not permanent for garter, and the collapsible sleeper (or even a few trellis), which could be installed every time exactly where new stems grow, and disassemble the fall.

And now I decided to make an experimental sample of such a tag. Moreover, instead of the wire itself, I will use a wooden crossbar in the form of a long rail with recesses, in which raspberry stalks actually will be inserted.

For the manufacture of such a rail, I needed the following accessories:

Materials and fasteners:

• Wooden rack 2 cm thick, 3 cm wide, and about 1.5 m long.

• Nine screw screws 4x15 mm.

• Two shores on a 4x45 mm tree.

• Synthetic twine segment to tight raspberry stems.


• Drawing and measurement tool (pencil, roulette and square).

• Electrologist with wood saw.

• Electrock-screwdriver.

• Hand mill with a set of cutters.

• Metal drill with a diameter of 4 mm.

• PN2 screwdriver, to wrap screws.

• Sandpaper.

Making a device

First, placing the rail and a manual milling mill with an end cylindrical cutter with a diameter of 12 mm, cut out in the rails here such recesses.


In principle, such notches can be cut and without a mill, for example, using a drill and an electrolybiz or even just a round file on a tree with a large notch. However, to cut a large number of recesses (and I will make 8 recesses), it's easier and faster to use a mill.

Then a semicircular or conical cutter, remove the chamfer on the notches.

And then additionally process these notches with emery paper so that the raspberry stalks are not hurt about sharp edges.

After that, drills holes for screws at the ends of the rails for its mounting to the racks.

And in the rack itself, between the recesses, turn the short screws for fastening the twine.

After that, it remains only to sprinkle the tips of the rails with an electroll bison.

And now our rake is ready!

The garter of the raspberry

Now you can use it for the raspberry garter.

To do this, first score to the ground at the raspberry bush, long wooden peasants racks, at a distance of the length of our rail and twist the rack itself to them.

Of course, if this experiment is successful, then in the future I will use steel corners as racks, and I will fix the rack to them with the help of bolts with nuts.

After that, we lay the racks of racks of rams.

And weiss them with the help of twine. Moreover, for the garter of all stems, a single segment of the twine is used, which, we press the stalks to the recesses.

Piercing the next stem to the twine, we are creating it to the subsequent shurpa and so until we are taking all the raspberry stems.

Thus, each stem of raspberry, pressed by twine, will no longer slip out of its excavation.

And so this method of garter looks at the back.

It must be said that all the stalks of the raspberries hold quite reliably and at the same time we tied them with one segment of the twine, which took a lot less time than if we were tied up every stem with a separate piece of rope. Naturally, these stems can be untied in the fall and quickly and quickly.

But it looks like the entire raspberry bush linked to the rail.

The bush this is still new and still small, but in the future it will grow.

If such a fixture is successful, then next year I will make several such stelter with racks for raspberries, blackberries, and possibly for grapes.

Well, on this I have everything! So far and more comfortable and beneficial to growing plants!

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