90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery


In Yekaterinburg, the 90-year-old watchman turned school to the art gallery

Valery temples painted for free on vacation and at night.

Valery Temmar works at school 25 years old. All this time, he draws on the walls of the educational institution.

- I spent the last three months at school. All painted and painted. It was such that 10 days practically did not sleep - it was necessary to have everything to finish everything to the beginning of the school year.

Valery Khramov 90 years old. The last 25 it works in the 168th school. At first, I taught the visual art, and then got a guard, but did not throw it. He painted the walls of the wall on all three floors, turning the school into a fabulous world. Yes, so that first grades sometimes spend a tour of his gallery.

- Here, work on the first floor is devoted to the times of the year, - tells us temples. - She teaches schoolchildren to take care of nature. I tell them through these drawings: "Love in nature, she is the source of our life." Showed the interaction of man and nature. For example, Forestish duty, follows the purity and safety of the forest, grows animals. Here Mama-Majer catches the fish and feeds his bearish. But about me the plot: I worked at the art school and brought up young artists. Here I portrayed our classes on the captivity.

Valery Alexandrovich says that he began to draw since childhood. In 16 years already wrote on the walls of the three-room apartment of the episodes of the Soviet-Finnish war. But I decided to learn at the pilot, at the same time engaged in the struggle. Before the competition trained, the pressure jumped, and did not allow the examination flights of young chramov, they gave two years to rest.

- I somehow came down the street, I thought about the fact that I would not return to the flights. And accidentally met my comrade with a sketchik. He said he was studying in an art school. And I always painted, and I was so insulting that he was dedicated to the life of his beloved case, and I scored. I found the address of the School and in December went to do, and the director said me that it was late - we must come to the next year. I so wanted to become an artist that I went with students to couples and painted what was happening there. When finished, came again to the director and brought work. He looked at them and immediately issued an order to create an examination committee for me. I think it was the only similar case in the history of the School. I took me. And my graduation work was one of the best ones.

90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery

The second floor of the school of temples devoted geography, ranging from the Northern Ice Ocean and ending with the tropics. Here you can travel the guys in general, without leaving the school building. Further - sea fauna.

- Each fish is busy, each participates in some kind of plot. And this is all thought out, you can not imagine how much time it took me to create a whole world with paints. The kids, it happened, wrote me notes on the watch: "I draw better than you". I was not offended, but explained that it was sught by one, but to come up with nothing plots, the links between the heroes is another.

90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery

In elementary school, Valery Alexandrovich drew the heroes of fairy tales - a princess-frog, Tsar Saltan, 33 heroes and others. In the same block, he depicted a Siberian tract. Talking about this fragment, points to a man behind the wheel of a red car.

"He gathered her himself, from German spare parts, and then painted," for the temple, all the characters of his pictures are alive, with history.

90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery

Another part of the work of the Storam artist is dedicated to architecture. Images are depicted on the walls of the structure of different times, starting from the ancient world to modernity - the Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the Church of Vasily Blessed.

90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery

All the plots of Valery temples came up with himself. He never painted sketches on paper. I took the brushes and paints and immediately put the strokes on the wall. It used to hang out small paintings on the walls within the framework, but after the children damaged somewhat, decided to remove everything and transport to the orphanage.

- In order to make a person cultural, you need to instill a love of art and nature since childhood. This was engaged in recent years. I made all these works in order to raise the feeling of beautiful in the children. So that they have a desire to read the book, go to the museum, theater, go to nature or play sports.

Unfortunately, the drawings over time are "aging" - the walls are cracked, and the paint crepts. And to restore them will soon be no one - Valery Alexandrovich is fired. But, says if he is invited, he will definitely come and draws. Not only in this school. At any.

90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery
90-year-old watchman enthusiast turned school to the art gallery

Valery Alexandrovich is disturbed only that his paintings deteriorate: the plaster is lagging behind the walls, but to restore no one.

A source

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