That's what to do with sunburn - shocking history of the English gardener


That's what to do with sunburn - shocking history of the English gardener

One my girlfriend lives in Scotland. We met her at the conference of designers. Most recently, in the correspondence with her, I learned a shocking story that made me be very careful when I am under the scorching sun for a long time.

The younger brother girlfriend is now working as a gardener. He loves his work very much. A couple of days ago, for seven hours in a row, he cut the grass in the open air and as a result, received a second degree burn.

The guy did not immediately notice The appearance of burns . The weather was summer, but not hot. And although it was a rather hot day for the residents of Damfris, Greg did not give it much importance and did not apply those measures to which we usually use, being on vacation to the sea.

While Mom did not notice that the skin on the back of the guy had already blushed very much, he experienced only unpleasant sensations. Despite the saturated red skin and painful feelings, Greg went to work again the next day. Then Greg only watered plants and his stay in the sun was not so long as on the first day.

On Sunday evening, after the second day of operation in the air, the situation has worsened ...

what to do with sunburn back

Breag had blisters, and the pain was such that the guy appealed to the hospital. Doctors diagnosed a second degree burn.

Of course, the guy knew that he had bright and sensitive skin. Being under the scorching sun somewhere in Australia, he would, of course, took advantage of sunscreen. But, being at home, in Scotland, where the heat happens almost five times a year, he simply did not give much importance.

What to do with sunburn face

I was struck by this story. That's how because of the inattention, you can harm your health!

Be vigilant! Get sunny burn There can be vacationers on the beach, and tourists inspecting attractions and summer houses. In short, all those who spend too much time on the sun.

What to do with sunburn at home

What to do with sunny burn

  1. Accept the cool shower or bath. However, in no case do not use soap or gel, they dried the skin.

    What to do with sunburn body

  2. An indispensable remedy for sunburns - aloe vera juice. It calms down and cools the skin, and also helps to remove pain and irritation. In the ideal on the burned area of ​​the skin you need to apply Fresh aloe juice But for understandable reasons to do it is not always possible. Therefore, you can use aloe vera oil or by any cosmetic creams based on it. Mint and its derivatives, for example, menthol possesses the properties. They instantly cooled the skin and bring relief.

    What to do with sunburn on the face

  3. Easy pain and reduce inflammation caused by sunburn, antihistamines in tablets and ointments will help. Take tablets only after consulting a doctor. If redness causes painful sensations, take advantage of antitrog sprays.

    What to do with a sunny burn in a child

  4. If the burn is light, the pain will decrease, if you attach something cold to the burnt place. For example, a tin jar filled with ice.

    What to do with sun burn folk remedies

  5. Also at easy burning olive oil is suitable. Just bring it to the burnt places and update as it absorbs into the skin.

    What to do with sunny burn

  6. Do not forget about the grandmother's method - sour cream, kefir or prostrip. Please note: you can apply such a mask on clean skin, as it can become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

    What to do with a solar burn 1 degree

  7. Well cooled and remove irritation of slices of raw potatoes and cucumber either Cashier of them. The cooled tea packages also affected. Squash can be sauerkraut. Who would have thought!

    What to do with sunburn

  8. Cool chamomile decoction can be soaked with gauze and make compresses. If a large part of the body is burned, with a cool bath with the addition of food soda or chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, roses or lavender into it.

    What to do with sunburn and temperature

  9. Pey a lot of liquid! Especially green tea, garnet juice, morse, water. With sunburn, it is better to abandon alcoholic beverages.

    What to do with a second degree sunny burn

The main thing is to remember that immediately when solar burns are detected, it is necessary to immediately leave from under the scorching rays. Then you should cool the skin, but without a strong temperature difference.

Be careful working in the garden outdoors or sunbathing on the beach! Paying appropriate attention to the protection of the skin and do not neglect the simple security tools to neutralize the harmful The effect of ultraviolet rays.

Be healthy, happy and wisely enjoy such beautiful, warm summer days!

Share these tips with friends and acquaintances, in time rendered first assistance can even save human life!

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