Grandma came: Bathroom rug


Grandma came: Bathroom rug

The rugs in the bathroom is the usual decor element that creates warmth and comfort. But there are quite similar sites in stores that are practically in every home. In order for the design difference and was original, you can make a bath for a bathroom with a hook yourself. All that is needed to choose the material, the scheme and spend some time to knitting. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy new threads, for such products it is possible to easily use the existing yarn residues by combining them at their discretion. Thus, you can get rid of unnecessary yarns and get instead of her new thing.

Grandma came!

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

What materials are used

The choice of material is a fairly responsible task, it depends on how long this thing will last and how it will be convenient to use it. It should be borne in mind that in the bathroom, the mats are often wounded, in addition, the floor is slippery in itself and the rug is needed to prevent falling. What is used to make mats in the bathroom?

  1. Acrylic thread is rather durable and wear-resistant, no moisture is afraid and does not slide on the smooth floor.
  2. Silicone base - applied as a substrate for different dilated surfaces. It dries quickly, does not slide, and the soft surface is pleasant to the touch and creates a feeling of comfort.
  3. Wooden or bamboo material - ecological, safe and antibacterial sample, while quite beautiful. It is especially loved by fans of natural things.
  4. Rubber mat is the most common appearance, convenient, durable, waterproof, safe when using electrical appliances.

To knit, except the thread and cord, you can use very unusual materials, for example, polyethylene packages for garbage or flap from old unnecessary knitwear. By the way, our grandmothers used the latter often used.

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

Set of rug and cover for the toilet cover

Now let's see the description of the process of manufacturing a whole kit for the bathroom.

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

Materials for work

  • Threads cotton - 100 g of two colors: white and green
  • Hook number 4.
Threads take the work folded twice for a more dense result.

Work description

  1. Carpet. We recruit 42 posses. green color

1p: 7 Pillars / NA. Green thread, 7 pillars / NAC. White, then alternate for 7 pillars. US / NA., It turns out 6 strips.

2r.: 6 Pillars / NA. White, 7 pillars / NA. Green, 7 pillars / NAC. White and so on, finish a series of 1 pillars. US / NAC. White thread.

Further knit rows, shifting the colors diagonally on one pillar. US / NAC. We finish the diagonal knitting after the 22nd row, we are taking off from all sides of Pillars / NA. Green.

We recruit 12 rewards, cut the thread.

  1. Edging in white: attaching the thread to the adjacent corner from the associated chain of 12 rewards, knit 12 rewards. - 3 Rev.P. Lifting (Figure 1).
  2. Edging in green: in drawing 1 knit edges and angles. Under each rounding of 2 posses. I am binding to b Pole .c / NA.

2p.: B Pole.S / NA. With a common top, between them, 7 Rev.P.

3p.: For each rounding - 3 poles / Na., 2 "Pico" from 3 rewards., 3 poles / NAK. Above a group of 6 pole. - 2 poles / NA. With a common top. The middle part is tied in Figure 2.

  1. Cover for toilet cover.

We gain white color 28 posses.

1p: 3 Pole.S / NA. White thread, 7 pillars / NA. Green, 7 pillars / NAC. White, pillars / NA. Green, b Pole.S / NA. White thread. At the edges we make an increase, total 30 pole.

2p.: 1 pillars / NA. green yarn, 7 pillars / NAC. White, 7 pillars / NA. Green, 7 pillars / NAC. White, 7 pillars / NA. Green, 3 poles / Na. White yarn. At the edges, we perform an increase, only 32 posts. Further knit shifting strips diagonally.

  1. Additions are carried out in the third and fourth rows.

From 5 to 13 row knit straight.

From 14 rows, on the edges, we begin to make a shift. Finish the drawing after 21 row.

  1. Reinstall from all sides of Pillars / NA. Green.

White yarn finish from all sides, like a rug.

The green thread is tied up on the rounded part, the upper part is in Figure 2.

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

The set is ready, now it is cutting the rug and fix the cover on the toilet lid.

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

Pineapple rug

This pattern resembles a leaf, but called "Pineapple", it looks very interesting.

Schemes are shown in a foreign language, but they are quite understandable.

Colors can be selected at its discretion, the main thing is that they fit into the color gamut of the interior.

Experienced knitters can easily remake it in the owl.

Grandma came: Bathroom rug

Made by their own hand mats and bathroom covers are individual in each case and give the unique comfort and heat that will not be able to replace any purchased product. Spend a little time and strength and can enjoy wonderful things connected by itself.

Video selection

In the prepared video selection, there will probably have new information or new ideas for creativity. See and learn. Happy viewing!

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