10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!


If you think that you can get up in the morning with perfect hair perhaps only in the movie, - you are mistaken. We publish the most delight advice, how to achieve this.

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Before proceeding with the use of tricks, remember these simple rules:

Never go to bed with wet hair, because they are damaged faster.

If you dry your hair with a hairdryer, always use cold air mode. This will help avoid curly hair. Never drip hair with a hairdryer to the end - just leave them a little more wet so that they are dried by themselves.

Always comb your hair before bedtime.

Braid hair before bed

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Take hair before bedtime to avoid curly hair and statics from the sheet. The pigtails will also not give your hair to get confused and become naughty. It is very important to make braids on the hair when they are dry or slightly wet. And, no matter what kind of braid are you going to do, make sure you wove it not too tight.

Use coconut oil

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Coconut oil is usually applied to the tips of the hair: it helps to eliminate the statics and makes hair superblysey. Important: Use a small amount of oil and exclusively for hair, not for the scalp.

Think about buying silk bedding

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Sleeping on silk and satin sheets and pillowcases reduces friction, which causes literacy and damages the hair, and also leads to the appearance of split tips. Magia of silk and atlas can be even curly hair.

To tame curly hair, you can try to wrap them with a silk scarf before bedtime.

Apply a few drops of aloe vera gel before bedtime

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Mix a few drops of aloe vera gel with mineral water and pour the mixture into a jar from under the spray. Spray the spray on the hair in front of each trip to sleep. Aloe Vera is an excellent means for moisturizing hair tips and static control.

Use body lotions

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

A drop of body lotion can actually feed your hair while you sleep. Take a little lotion and just run your hands into the hair, paying special attention to the hair tips. Then make hair.

Take a beam

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

If you have long hair, you can make a bundle instead of pigtails. First, make a high tail, and then tighten it into a bundle. In the morning you will wake up with obedient and shiny hair.

Use children's cosmetics

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Products designed to care for the child, such as oils, shampoos and sprays, are natural and therefore much safer and softer than the products created for adults. Try to wash your hair with a baby shampoo and apply a little baby oil on your hair, especially on the tips, right before bedtime. In the morning you will wake up with beautiful soft hair, smelling like a baby.

Talc will help create waves

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

If you want to wake up with wavy hair, sprinkle a little baby sprinkle on the roots to degrease them. Then spread your hair and braid them into the braid. In the morning you will get Hollywood waves!

Nylon stockings - against statics

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

Thanks to this trick, you will wake up with soft and obedient hair. First, spread your hair and make a bundle. Then use the dumping stocking as a sleeping cap, if necessary, fasten it with a bar. War with hair statics will finally end!

Use Plastic Hair Accessories

10 cunning techniques, thanks to which your hairstyle will look gorgeous since the morning!

If you want to lay your hair before bedtime, for example, staggering bangs, use only plastic hairpins. Forget about metal accessories, because they can easily damage the hair until you sleep.

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