Sandy Stuff - Velcro Tape


Lipcro fastener

That is how the textile clasp VelcRo is called the textile fastener, trimming. In 1948 she invented the engineer from Switzerland Georges de Mesadl. It was also called a ductile lightning, Velcro ribbon, a steaming, ribbon-contact, buckthorn. Velcro fastener in English-speaking countries gave the name "Hook and Loops", translated - "hooks and loops", and it is also called "touch fastener).

Lipcro fastener

A variety of clasp is a pair of textile ribbons with plated microcruits on one of them and microfoots to another. Micropytles and microcruits in contact, engage. Thus, the "sticking" of one ribbon to another occurs. Therefore, such a clasp and called "Velcro".

Lipcro fastener

His first patent tourist and passionate inventor Georges de Mester from Switzerland received when he was only 12 years old. The invention was then the design of the toy aircraft. Somehow, returning from a walk with a dog in the foothills of the Alps, George discovered on his pants and on the dog's wool a lot of reureniki. In a habit, removing from myself and from her shaggy friend of the unandoned prickly guests, he thought about the reurenger.

Lipcro fastener

That effort with whom he had to dypipes them from wool, brought him to the idea of ​​the microscope. The examination of the burdock under a microscope, George saw a lot of hooks who clung to the threads of clothes and the wool of the dog. So the plant spread its seeds with the help of "live transport."

Lipcro fastener

Seen intrigued Meshly, and he decided to make a clasp in the same principle, as well as from the reurenik. He visited the global weaving center in Lyon, where the experts on the tissues advised him for all his questions. Many of them reacted skeptical to his proposal. But there was one weathered, who liked the idea outlined by George. On a small machine manually, he woven two strips of cotton fabric (on one there were hooks, on the other - loop), which became a prototype of modern Velcro clasp.

Lipcro fastener

George was noticed that on the nylon fabric, if it was flashing, heating, hooks are formed, let it be small, but durable. From the same time, nylon became the main component of the fastener. Seven years old worked mesadral before he managed to patent his invention. Swiss patent No. 2 717 437 "Velvet fabric and its production method" was obtained by him in 1955. The name of the Invention, Georges de Mesh, Velcro (velvet hook). Under the same name, a Swiss company founded in 1952 was registered. Exactly the same name at the brand, which appeared in May 1958.

Lipcro fastener

But consumer popularity came to the invention of the Swiss in almost 20 years. Only when the velcro found their use in the costumes of NASA cosmonauts at the beginning of the seventies, the sale of the material began to grow in a multiple pace. Since the wives of the late inventor, the last 30 years they lived only on patent deductions that brought them the invention Georges de Mistral.

Currently, the velcro tape has been widely used. It is used in sportswear and shoes, clothing for tourism and tourist accessories. It is very comfortable in children's clothes and shoes. It can be used in products whose stuffing should be operational - on overalls, in bags and wallets, on medical bands.

But several non-standard ways to use this tape.

You can glue a few lipukets on the wall with glue and hang pictures or photos in the easy framework.

If one piece of the velcro fastener is glued to the wall, and the second to sew to mild toys, then the cleaning process will turn into a child in an exciting game.

In order for the child in the boots, the snow was stuffed, a trouser of the trousers from the lindent fastener with hooks. Hooks are very tenaciously held by felt, but from time to time clogged with wool. Clean the fastener can be ordinary frequent scallop.

Velcro can attach removable seats to the chair. Such a simple way will allow the seat to hold.

After washing knitwear and woolen things, katovy remain. With the help of velcro, they can be removed.

Women familiarize the situation when the butter on the chest is unbounded all the time. Success under the buttice Velcro. Convenient and unnoticed.

But with Velcro there are problems. She can just break away. Therefore, it is worth checking from time to time, whether it is in place, and strengthen the seam. Send it on a typewriter with a regular line or manually.

Velcro is afraid of open fire and iron. Do not melt it - all burns are irreversible for her.

Velcro can stop "glue" from dust, thread or other small garbage. If the reason is only in this, clean it with a needle.

If the Velcro has broken loops or hooks, it will not work. It should be fastened and replaced new.

Consoles from the TV and other multimedia devices.

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Surely everyone knows the cases when this feature of the remote is lost and a whole bunch of time is leaving on his searches. Attach one side of the velcro on the remote, and the second to the place, which is most convenient and close, so that it is always at hand.

Rugs are always in place.

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Rugs in the hallway - this is what is always folded, gets into a bunch, threatening with family members. Especially, they love to play pets or children with them and therefore this idea is just for such families - to use velcro on the edges of the rugs to securely fix them in place.

Cable organization

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Computers, phone numbers, tablets ... Now they are in every home and the amount is not going to decrease. And they all need wires for charging and connecting among themselves. Usually, these cables are thrown as hit and look to put it mildly not very neat, but there is an idea. Little velcro strips are able to put in order any number of cables, and even besides the appearance of a new wiring, you do not need to throw out the old one - just discharge the beam, add the cable and reinstall - convenient and practical!

Velcro in the bathroom

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Many bathrooms cannot boast a large room and therefore many have to save space, inventing everything new. Plastic cups or containers can also be attached using velcro on the wall and in the cabinet.

Do you think that all the methods for the use of velcro are collected? Create your own, because we do not take fiction. Good luck in creativity!

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