I live in accordance with the principle that the comfort zone does not end in the door to my apartment


Designer Artemy Lebedev writes: I live in accordance with the principle that the comfort zone does not end in the door to my apartment.

Seven years ago, I repaired at my own account entrance to the house in Kiev, where I lived. Just took and spent my personal money for repairs. No neighbor wished to throw off.

As I made good neighbors, and what happened from it ...

And when the repair was finished, one of the neighbors said that he did not like the type of tile on the first floor.

I feel calmly to such a garbage, because I know that you should never wait for gratitude from anyone, but many naive, not finding sympathy, merge. And I need to introduce improvements on the tank, the nurse to all opinions wholesale. This is the only working principle.

* * *

In the house, where I now live in Moscow, the story happened to which I want to share with you, a little readers.

In my stairwell lives a neighbor Lena, amazing energy and a vitality of a woman. She constantly puts a book for free tissue. Or it can set a strawberry box with a note "treat, favorite neighbors, strawberry washed!". In short, the degree of enlightenment is maximum.

And somehow she met me on the street and says, they say, heard Artemy, about your progress in the field of urgency. Whether, like, you have a desire to put urn near our front door on the street so that it is convenient to throw out the cigarette or a bottle from the yoghurt tired traveler? I take on myself, says the service of this urn. Before the garbage can not far, and I did not want to give the benefit to the neighbors, "said softer, but with this meaning.

I took this request to heart, and soon a new beautiful urn, installed by specialists from our studio, appeared next to the entrance door. The new page of the life of our house began (buy yourself the same

As I made good neighbors, and what happened from it ...

Soon the first problem appeared. Someone from the neighbors decided that once they put Urn, then the fuck did not throw their package with garbage. Before the tank, to go as many as two minutes, and the urn is straight below. Lena reacted:

After a couple of months again:

As I made good neighbors, and what happened from it ...

And then there was a plebiscite, which ended with Ostracism. Neighbors opposed the urn to a wide front. They failed in the council.

The funny thing happened here - I decided that the urn was established by the city. Because even in Moscow, the stopping can not imagine that someone will put urn at his own expense. And the liquidation procedure of urban property requires that two thirds of the tenants voted for the demolition of urns. And the collection of signatures began! ! Free citizens approached with their shards and threw them into an amphora for voting, that is, they wrote their rooms with the names with the names, the willing of their decision and subscribed.

As I made good neighbors, and what happened from it ...

And the prevail lost a democratic procedure, the urn was dismantled. She was removed as if it was urban property.

And now the asphalt at my entrance is decorated with four holes from the anchor fasteners, which the urn was fixed.

As I made good neighbors, and what happened from it ...

What did this story taught me?

1. It will be necessary at the urns intended for installation next to residential houses, reduce the opening area into which you can push the garbage to take place a bottle, but did not peck the bag with shit.

2. It will be necessary to replace the metal door into the entrance to the glass. I already ordered the drawings of my building in the archive to be as close as possible to the historical version of the door. Perhaps it will slightly improve the neighbors.

3. No better idea. It will be necessary to develop a narrow urn for small garbage - larger than for bulls, but smaller than for household waste.

Went to work.

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