How to remake the computer mouse to click foot


If you have arthritis, you can find an alternative use of the computer mouse. You can remake the computer mouse to click foot.

How to remake the computer mouse to click foot

Buy a USB mouse. Computers can perceive the signal from 2 mice simultaneously. Use one to move the cursor. Another, which is on the floor, click.

How to remake the computer mouse to click foot

Take 2 small pieces of a plastic tube, a diameter of 3/4 inches (1.9 cm). Drill the hole on one side: 1/4 inches (0.6 cm). From the opposite side, drill a large hole.

Make a small hole in each mouse button. Stick a piece of pipe to the mouse. Insert the screw into the hole from the inside of the pipe. Screw the screw through the top hole. Similarly, screw the 2nd piece of the pipe.

How to remake the computer mouse to click foot

Take a piece of pennate, cut out the pieces of pieces of size and stick them into plastic pieces (you can use two-way scotch). This will provide more convenient use of the mouse.

How to remake the computer mouse to click foot

Take a piece of foam, cut the suitable mouse connector, as shown in the figure. You can also fix a bilateral scotch.

How to remake the computer mouse to click foot


How to remake the computer mouse to click foot

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