Knowing these facts once can save your life


Each of us is familiar with the most important security rules. However, it happens that, facing unexpected circumstances, we are lost and do not immediately understand what you need to do.

Know the signs for which you can distinguish a poisonous snake

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Snakes it is better to go around the party, but it will still be useful to know the signs that distinguish poisonous Detachment representatives:

  • At the abdominal side, the tail covers ineffective scales.
  • Pupil looks like a feline (in harmless snakes pupils round).
  • The transition between the head and the neck is very noticeable if you look at the top.

By the way, there is an exception from each rule, so only a specialist can say for sure, the snake is dangerous or not. But in most cases these rules work.

Do not use a cell phone while walking

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Security consultants note that simultaneous walking and use of the phone cause a sufficiently load on your brain, with which he may simply do not cope. You will be as low as possible and blind in relation to what is happening around you, and you can not notice the approaching danger, for example a sudden car that has appeared.

Eliminate the "blind spots" in the visibility zone of your car, correctly adjusting the mirror

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Adjust the car mirrors so that you barely seen the edges of your own car. In a way you can effectively eliminate the "blind spots" in the side zones. Through the rear view mirror you should always see any car that goes behind you. In order for the mirror adjustment to be as efficient as possible, do it, being directly at the driver's seat.

In cold weather, make the right choice of clothes.

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Remember that wet skin is much faster in heat, so it is very important to keep the skin dry as much as possible. Also so that the temperature of your body does not fall too fast, wear woolen things that can absorb much more moisture. Cotton clothes or any other fabrics very slowly absorbs it, so in things from these materials you will freeze much faster.

Do not inflate the life jacket before exiting the plane

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Experts explain that if you still decide to inflate it, when filling out the salon, the life jacket will raise you to the ceiling of the cabin and you will be harder to sail back. It is better to hold the breath and swim away from the aircraft in the usual way.

Choose a stuck piece of food from the throat by receiving gamelich

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Consultants advise everyone to remember this technique, with which you can help the choker or yourself or yourself if you are suppressed. Just follow this action algorithm:

  • Squeeze the fist and press it with a thumb with a little above the navel.
  • Another hand strongly swipes upstairs, while putting it hard on the chest.
  • Repeat such shocks until you push the stuck piece or object.
  • If the above-described actions do not help, hurt your abdomen right above the navel to the back of the chair and with a strong pressure of repeating movements through it the housing of your body.

Always carry with them anti-allergy (antihistamines) drugs

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

You can never predict where you can suddenly encounter an allergic reaction in your own people who surround you. Especially such drugs are needed if you are going to a long trip or hike.

Remember that the possibilities of the human body are most often limited to the "Rule of Three"

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Many studies have shown that usually people can do 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without a roof above their heads in extreme weather conditions, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.

When fireing vegetable oil on a gas stove Quickly turn off the burner and cover the drying dishes

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Rescuers pay attention to the fact that in no case cannot be extinguished with water burning fat. Water particles in this case will fall on the bottom of the burning frying pan, will begin to instantly evaporate, and from this the flame is only stronger. Instead, cover with something hot dishes - thereby you will block oxygen access to it.

Do not get a knife or another sharp object from the wound

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Experts pay attention that in no case cannot be removed from the wound knife or any other acute subject. Staying in the wound, it stops bleeding, the consequences of which can be much more dangerous. Instead, try to reduce bleeding from the wound before the arrival of the medical worker.

Be especially careful for three minutes after takeoff and eight minutes before landing the aircraft

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

According to the researchers, it is at this time 80% of a plane crash happen. Be especially careful for three minutes after takeoff and eight minutes before landing the aircraft.

In case of fire are as close as possible to the floor or earth

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Experts note that the greatest amount of dangerous injuries in the fire is caused by inhalation of smoke and carbon monoxide, and not burn. You can avoid poisonous vapors if you can go down as close as possible to the floor or earth and you will move in this way throughout the fire.

If you have become bad in a public place, ask for help only one person

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

This fact may explain the well-known psychological phenomenon - diffusion of responsibility, according to which the chance to get help from the crowd of people is much lower than getting it from a particular person.

Always carry a bright flashlight with you

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Specialists recommend that it is a simple adaptation as a faithful weapon from an unexpected attack or persecution. If suddenly you noticed a suspicious person who is clearly going to your attack, abruptly direct him in the face of a bright beam of light from your flashlight. This trick will knock your pursuer with a sense, and you can avoid the attack.

Remember the basic rules for behavior in fire

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

Very often, by the first time, being in an emergency, people fall into a stupor and do nothing. Specialists advise primarily carefully examine the location of firewood in the room in which you plan to be a long time.

Always carry with you a certification document and the necessary medical information

Knowledge of these 15 facts once can save your life

If you always have a passport or driver's license, as well as information about your blood group and existing allergic reactions, any person will be able to promptly and effectively provide you with the necessary assistance in an emergency. In addition, we recommend that you invest in documents with contacts of several close people in the documents so that they can be warned that something happened to you.

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