Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples as with what


Chatelain - So in France, the owner of the feudal castle was named in England, and in England, only Castelian, manager, a businesspiana and chief keyboard, hence the new name of the subject - Shatlen - in practice, known from ancient times a substitute for pockets, ladies' handbags and male bowls.

Russian-speaking Wikipedia claims that shtten is a decoration and an accessory in the form of a chain with a clip, to which various functional items are attached: keys, scissors, notes, printing and other little things. There was a fashion on the molded-perfume, bow-clatters on a coat, bow-cufflinks, whhatle-holders of the skirts, in the 19th century it was fashionable to wear embroidered wallets, fans and ballroom books on the shovel.

There was even the type of ballasts called the "Norwegian belt", which was not worn, and not without wonder he was consonant with the "belt of loyalty", as he was absolutely impracticious, because in everything it is necessary to know the measure.

The tents were in the go not only in women, but also in men - on the clock, so that the hours were in his pocket, and the chain is outside. In general, this idea has worked on fame, Shatlen exhausted all his practical opportunities, and remained in modern life already as just a decoration, an eye-minded eye and originality. It is so much so much that I often ask a question, but how to wear it.

"That's how!" - I am joyfully answering today, presenting you this selection. Today - 50 examples of using this unique brooches - on the collar, on the shoulder, on the chest, on the neckline in front and the neckline behind, on the belt, on the coat and jacket, on the scarves, on the knitwasher, flods, wool and batter.

Of course, I would love to show you the best and most interesting samples of costume jewelry of the 20th century, but more than 50 pictures can not be in one publication, so there will be 2 parts, follow upgrades.

Thank you for reading, viewing and attention to the topic.

With love,

Elena (Fort Noks Vintage).

Brooch Shatlen


Vintage brooch


Vintage store

Fort Noks Vintage

Brooch with chain

Double brooch

how to wear a brooch

What to wear brooch

Double chain brooch

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Sigh about the past:

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

Well, to smile finally :)

Brooch-Shatlen: 50 examples - how and with

A source

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