Sweet Dreams! Funny children's pillowcases


Decorative pillowcases

How often do you encounter the fact that on the clock already 21-22.00, and the child spiked and does not want to go to sleep? And well, if tomorrow weekends, and if you get up in the garden-school early? Of course, the decorative pillowcases will not solve the problem, but it can be very easy to help parents. And also - become a good surprise for the child.

Sew them are quite simple, for an experienced needlewoman - work for one evening. And if you and needlework are acquired on different poles, you can always find a person who agrees to make a remuneration to please your family a funny decorative pillowcase. The advantages of this approach are obvious: inspiring the ideas presented here, the master easily saves the pillowcase in the form of a beloved cartoon kid, in the size of his pillows, possibly non-standard. Yes, and the cloth can be chosen such as it should be: soft, natural.

If the bed is lying on the bed in a decorative pillowcase, like those presented below - the child goes into bed with much greater pleasure. And dreams will dream - the most tender and joyful. Checked!

Decorative pillowcases: photo
Decorative pillowcases: Photo
Decorative pillowcases
Decorative pillowcases
Decorative pillowcases

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