5 perfect ways to whiten delicate things! And lace, and thin fabrics ...


Marble, Lily, Sugar: I love different shades of white! So nice to wear snow-white things. But both in the spring snow melts and loses its magnificence and white things turn yellow and gray ...

We will tell you how to whiten the underwear at home, even the thinnest and delicate fabrics, even fragile lace, without damaging them. But what is even better, these methods can be used to prevent the appearance of yellowness! If you wash a new white kit every time with the addition of one of the listed means, it will remain on the same crystal clearly clean.

how to whiten the underwear photo

How to whiten the linen

All described methods - gentle! You can not worry about insanely expensive lace underwear, it will remain safe and preservation. But the spots and yellowness will disappear as a terrible dream!

Whitening lemon juice

Lemon juice will help cope with fat stains and sweat stains, refreshing the color of clothing. This means, besides, has a delightful aroma of freshness ...

You will need

  • 250 ml of fresh lemon juice
  • 2 liters of water


  • Boil water, add lemon juice to it.
  • Ostudy lemon mortar to a temperature suitable for washing delicate tissues. Zadori things for 2 hours in it.
  • After 2 hours, remove things from the solution, once again processes problem areas with lemon juice. The word thing is in the typewriter as usual using powder.

how to whiten the underwear photo

Whitening Solua

Salt will help whiten the collars, cuffs, and also cope with spots.

You will need

  • 1 tbsp. l. Crash salt
  • Juice of half Lemon


  • Stir salt and lemon juice to pasta state.
  • Apply to problem areas.
  • Leave a thing for 30 minutes, then wipe it in the usual way.

5 perfect ways to whiten delicate things! And lace, and thin fabrics ...

White vinegar whitening

Vinegar will not only win the spots, but also disinfects the fabric, having rides clothes from any smells. White bite - a potent tool, softening water.

You will need

  • 250 ml of white vinegar
  • 2 l hot water


  • Vinegar is injecting hot water. Leave things in a solution for 8 hours.
  • Lingerie as usual, you can add during the washing half a glass of vinegar into the air conditioner compartment: it will soften the water and will help achieve an even better effect.

5 perfect ways to whiten delicate things! And lace, and thin fabrics ...

Boric acid whitening

Boric acid is easy to find in a pharmacy or shop for gardeners. Penetrating deep into the fabric, the bora will not leave the chance even very old spots, hopeless, doomed ...

You will need

  • 50 g of Boric Acid in Powder
  • 3 liters of water


  • Boric acid solutions in water according to the specified proportions. Flushing things for 3 hours in this solution.
  • Wash clothes as usual.

5 perfect ways to whiten delicate things! And lace, and thin fabrics ...

Whitening of the zest of oranges and lemons

Aromatherapy and whitening! The result is intoxicates.


  • Zedra 5 lemons, oranges and mandarins
  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide


  • Take the citrus zest in water and boil.
  • Perfony of decoction through a sietcheko, add hydrogen peroxide.
  • Flushing things in citrus water for 2 hours, then wrap as usual.

5 perfect ways to whiten delicate things! And lace, and thin fabrics ...

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