Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar

There is oatmeal every morning - not just another rule that many parents are trying to instill their children from childhood. And this is not a quirgy or a whim. An adult knows that oatmeal contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that do not simply normalize the metabolism, but also positively affect the skin, the bone system, heart and muscle.

But the snag is that many do not particularly like the taste of such a dish. Even adding your favorite fruits and a little sugar, we move the bowl away after the first spoon. Everything like in childhood. Knowing it, our editorial office found a great way to make you fall in love with oatmeal. And the name to him is lazy oatmeal in the bank. As the name itself assumes, you will not have to cook.

Basic recipe

Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar

We offer to familiarize yourself with the basic recipe, and after - to improve it a little.

  1. Take a glass flooring can with a lid.
  2. Fill it with 30 g of oat flakes, 50 g of natural yogurt, 80 g of skimmed milk.
  3. Close the capacitance with a lid and shake it several times so that all the ingredients are connected.
  4. Choose your favorite fruits or berries (30-40 g), add to the caress and mix the ingredients.
  5. Tightly close the jar and send to the fridge for the night.

This breakfast option can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. In addition to the basic recipe, we offer you another 5 excellent ideas that you will definitely like. Just choose what seems to you the most delicious, and cook such a breakfast regularly!

Oatmeal with cherry and chocolate

Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


  • 30 g of oat flakes
  • 80 g of milk
  • 50 g yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 0.5 h. L. Vanillina
  • 1 tbsp. l. Ground black chocolate
  • 50 g of chopped cherry

Mix in the bank all the ingredients except cherry and chocolate. Tightly close the lid, shake so that everything is mixed well. Then add the sliced ​​cherry and chocolate. Gently mix all and send for the night to the fridge.

Oatmeal with orange and mandarin

Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


  • 30 g of oat flakes
  • 80 g of milk
  • 50 g yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 1 tbsp. l. Orange jama
  • 1/4 cup of dried and sliced ​​mandarin

Mix all the ingredients in the bank other than mandarin. Close the jar with a lid, shake everything. After add tangerines and stir. Send to the fridge for the night.


Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


  • 30 g of oat flakes
  • 80 g of milk
  • 50 g yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 1 tsp. Cocoa powder
  • 0.5 h. L. soluble coffee divorced in 1 tbsp. l. hot water

Mix in a jar of milk, oatmeal and yogurt. Add cocoa, honey and coffee. Close the jar with a lid and shake everything. Leave in the refrigerator for the night.

Bunting with cinnamon and apple

Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


  • 30 g of oat flakes
  • 80 g of milk
  • 50 g yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 0.5 h. L. Corn
  • 1/4 cup apple puree.

After you filled the bank with oatmeal, yoghurt, milk, cinnamon and honey, close it with a lid and shake. After adding apple puree or pieces of fresh apple and mix all components. Leave oatmeal in the refrigerator for the night.

Oatmeal with banana and cocoa

Tasty and fast breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar


  • 30 g of oat flakes
  • 80 g of milk
  • 50 g yogurt
  • 1 tsp. Money
  • 1 tsp. Cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup of sliced ​​bananas

First, mix in the bank of oatmeal, yogurt, honey, cocoa and milk. After you closed the jar and shook it several times, add ripe bananas. Send a mixture to the fridge for all night.

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