At first everyone thought that a neighbor was building a pool ...


A man died at the backyard of the house huge pita.

A man died at the backyard of the house huge pita.

When Martin Wayne neighbors saw that a man in the backyard of his house was digging a huge pit, they thought that he was busy building the pool. But, every day he brought more and more new materials, and it became clearer that in fact his idea is much more original.

Container delivery from which the cellar was later made.

Container delivery from which the cellar was later made.

When a huge pit was burned in the midnight of Martin Wayne, then the sea transport container was delivered to the site. The man had a clear goal: to make a functional cellar.

The container did the door.

The container did the door.

The container has done a hole and the door is installed. Before lowering it in the pit, the 15-centimeter layer of gravel poured into Earth. Wayne prudently deepened a 60 cm container below the ground level.

Steps made to the container.

Steps made to the container.

Plus to everything, Martin has planned to install a well pump, so a separate hole has been done for it. Down the boobs lead steps.

The roof is supported by foreign beams.

The roof is supported by foreign beams.

For greater strength of the roof, 2-way beams were used. Based on them corrugated metal sheets.

Work on the construction of the wine cellar.

Work on the construction of the wine cellar.

The final stage of construction.

The final stage of construction.

At the final stage, the man all flooded with concrete, and then fell asleep the earth so that over time this place was overgrown with grass. As a result, a great cellar was turned out, where Martin Wayne keeps his wine.

Wine cellar from the container.

Wine cellar made of container.

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