Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!


In this master class, I will show how to embroider lilac.

To do this, I need satin ribbons 4 and 6 mm for buds, 1 cm tape for flowers, 2.5 cm tape for leaves and stalks, hoarse, threads, scissors, lighter and print.

embroidery ribbons

Start with buds. I take a ribbon 4 and 6 mm and flashing all the edges of the twigs.

Embroidered picture

I displace the tape on the front side and buckle around the needle.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Then retreating from the tape tape 0.5 cm insert the needle into the cloth, so the French knot on the leg is obtained.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

I stretch the tape on the wrong way.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

The first bouton is ready, and also embroider the rest.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

At the top of such buds, you can embroider with a ribbon wider and another shade larger boutons.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!
Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Immediately embroidery is obtained volume.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Go to flowers. We cut the tape in 1 cm on the bands at 10-15 cm, then the ends are fired by a lighter and make in 4 or 5 bends, so it will be convenient to flash the petals.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!
Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

We take a thin needle with a thread and the edge of the tape flashing there back.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Then we flash the bottom to the bend ribbons and so while the tape does not end.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

One petal flashed and upside down.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

I stitched the whole tape, it turned out 4 parts, then there will be 4 petals, you can do 3 and 5, as it will be convenient.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

They pulled the flower and stitched it in the inside in the center.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

And sew ready for lilac branch, retreating from the tips of buds.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Then fill in the whole twig with flowers.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Yellow threads Moulin embroider the core in the flower.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

On one boost on the needle of the thread and the priest of the middle of the flower.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Further leaves. 2.5 cm green ribbon embroider leaves.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Brought out the tape on the front side, retreated 3-4 cm and in the center of the tape we introduce the needle, dragging on the wrong one.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!
Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

We flash so all the leaves.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Twigs embroider with a brown ribbon 2.5 cm. We enter the tape from the beginning of the branch to the end twisting it.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Twisted, introduced a needle with a ribbon on the front side and brought it out. The tips of the tapes on the wrongness I sew threads.

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!
Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

It would be necessary to embroider roses, but it will show it in another master class :)

Easy lilac ribbons? Easily!

Thanks for attention!

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