How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands


How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Each of us, probably, got into such a situation where at the right time it does not turn out to be at hand of the desired subject or material. Moreover, it does not turn out at all, in the apartment. The store is closed, or the necessary product is not there ... it doesn't matter. But, if you think about a little and show out the intelligence, then you always exit. Today it will be about the thermal paste. Without finding the thermal paste in the local storing store, I remembered one recipe for which I have already prepared such a paste a couple of years ago. This, of course, is not a factory formulation, and the quality is far from that, but still, at first (for a month, for sure!), Before the purchase of this pasta, this substance will help very well. And if you have a few silver on your shelf with paints, then the question can be solved literally in 10 minutes.


  • Powder aluminum pigment (PAP-1) or in the spacious - silver, 1 teaspoon.
  • Litol, or solidol. 0.5 teaspoon
  • Fine graphite lubricant 0.5 b / l. It can be replaced with a tough or grated graphite from a pencil 0.5 b / l.
  • Small aluminum sawdust 1 teaspoon (not so important. As far as possible).
  • Syringe 2 sq.m.
  • Cover from can and wand (for stirring).
  • Medical gloves.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Production of thermal staste

If you have in stocks in stocks there is a silver, then the remaining ingredients are not a problem. It can be replaced with solidol, the truth in this case will have to add graphite twice as much. Why Litol? Because lithium lubricants are more heat-resistant than solidol. On my example, Litol is already mixed with graphite lubricant - the remains since last time. So, take half a teaspoon of litol and mix with a half teaspoon of graphite lubricant (respectively - if solidol, then 1 complete teaspoon of graphite). We stir up to a homogeneous mass. We add one teaspoon of silver into the mixture.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Carefully stir - silver is very easy and volatile material. It would be nice to wear medical gloves and a respirator, about which I myself have forgotten safely. After the silver is completely mixed with lithol and graphite, it turns out a thick dough of silver color.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

In principle, it can already be used, but for a lot of reliability, I added a spoonful of aluminum sawdust, which I collected in advance and saved, after sawing the ward one aluminum part.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Yes, and just graze a large file with a teaspoon of aluminum sawdust - a matter of five minutes. We mix everything to a homogeneous consistency. Now the tallest part of the work is to place the right amount of this pasta in the syringe. We take out the piston part from the syringe, and carefully, with the help of a stick, pushing the paste into the flask of the syringe.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

I scored the quantity I needed, connected the parts of the syringe, and wiped it with a cloth. You can use!

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

The rest left for a small experiment. I want to show that this paste is absolutely safe, in terms of ignition from high temperatures. Some people with caution belong to Serebryanka, rightly believing that this is a very combustible material. However, in combination with lithol and graphite, it turns out a completely non-combustible mixture, in what you can clearly make sure the video, in the tests of pasta. Even the heat of hunting matches melted pasta only in those places where she was adjacent to the match closely.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Of course, the pasta did not ignore and did not hesitate. Well, and as a direct purpose test, I will give an example on a USB lamp.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

This Chinese diode lamp is heated so much that its rubber strip becomes soft as a plasticine, after half an hour of use. It has long wanted to attach an aluminum heat sink to it.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

Unfortunately, a suitable thermometer, for measuring the temperature difference "to" and "after," I do not have, but on tactile sensations the lamp is warm up much less. The lamp warm, but not hot, and the lamp lamp does not smear.

How to prepare a thermal pass with your own hands

The most unexpected and hard-to-reach material in this master class is silver. Not everyone has it can be. The remaining components, or their substitutes, are simple and available absolutely to everyone.

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