Vertical garden from barrel


My girls with enviable regularity return to the idea of ​​independent cultivation of all sorts of herbs or even vegetables within the apartment. The balcony has already tried several times. Everything is unsuccessful. Except, except for lemon wood on the balcony at the daughter. On the windowsill in the kitchen, from time to time, with varying success, something is growing. There were even the ideas of hanging gardens in a large window in the hall, and not reached the implementation stage. And now, at the end of last year, they found a master class on the manufacture of vertical vegetable garden from a barrel ...

1. 20 days difference

Vertical garden from barrel

The idea of ​​the vertical garden-garden is not Nova. Including from cylindrical items. But in this master class there is a couple of raisins. First, all materials and tools are already prepared. Liors Waknin, author of the master class, pulled the technology to such an extent that even the one hands will grow not from the right place. Secondly, the fertilizer reactor operating on food waste and rainwrites is provided in the barrel. How it works?

Video. All master class per minute:

The chip is that a pipe is installed in the center of the barrel, in which food waste is reset. In the pipe, there are enough holes so that the worms can get into the barrel and return for lunch back into the pipe. So, water penetrates with water during watering and flushes from it the products of worms. Water flows into the tank under the barrel and is reused when watering returns nutrients into the soil. Thus, we refuse fertilizers, save water and discard fewer food waste.

With all the evidence of the idea, to the level of master class, Lior brought it literally last year. First did for myself and shared the developments in social networks. Immediately there were wishing to repeat the experience of the Liore, and, under his leadership. The first master class of Lior spent on the volunteer principle in the institution intended for people with physical restrictions. And rushed ... Since then, the leader left a job in Hikete and completely devoted himself to vertical gardens.

The finished product is called Havitim. If you try to translate into Russian, then here we have a gluing of two Hebrew words: Havit - barrel and tight - the multiple number of the word strawberry. Something like: Strawberry barrel ... Gulk? Bochkans? :) This name was born because the first barrel of the Liore was completely planted with strawberries.

The project is developing not only by the leader, but also by all who joined this case. In Facebook, there is a group of owners Havitim, alas, only in Hebrew, in which people are divided by their success and jointly solves the problems that have arisen. I personally leaned out from there not few ideas when I decided to supplement my barrel of watering system. By the way, the leader also works on the watering system. I am sure, in the near future there will be an extended master class Havitim with irrigation or separate, only for watering system.

It is the results that I received after the creation of a watering system prompted me to write this post. Although, except for the watering system, on the recommendation of the Liore, I intervened in the Earth 50 liters of compost. If before that I was too lazy to go to the balcony to pour a barrel, just because it is hard and not convenient, now the task comes down to the top of the water in the pallet and the inclusion of the system for five minutes. If before that I watered the barrel once every two or three days, now I calmly do it once a day. If before that, the barrel spent a couple of straws and four tomatoes for three months, then two days after the creation of a system of watering and adding an compost happened simply some kind of green explosion. You saw a comparison in the first photo. Although the strawberries did not get across a transplant. Perhaps they will have to be replaced with new seedlings. Other greens rusted like yeast.

The only one is not solved until, the problem: the wind. We, on the eighteenth floor, he is so! Not always, but when there is - breaks the leaves.

And now more about the master class and watering system:

As I said, the charm of the master class is that all materials and tools are already prepared. In this case, these are barrels used in the food industry for transporting glucose. Lior offers to make a garden from a barrel of 220 or 60 liters. It is better to work together, since at the stage of formation of "pockets" better so that one person wielded the burner, and the second was inserted by wedges. Fortunately, money for the master class takes not by the number of participants, but by the number of ordered barrels.


Vertical garden from barrel

3. Billets are already marked, it remains only to apply tools.

Vertical garden from barrel

4. The leader conducts a general instruction, demonstrates each stage and helps those who do not cope in the work of the master class

Vertical garden from barrel

5. My daughter will not be afraid to the tools. Hands grow from where it is necessary. It is hereditary;)

Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel

9. Ready product in the assembly. Just add seedlings and water :)

Vertical garden from barrel

10. ... and worms :)

Vertical garden from barrel

The rain worms do not like sour, so the first time they should be fed by the remnants of sweet fruits. Bananas, as it turned out, they have in favorites.

11. Three months. Flight is not normal: (

Vertical garden from barrel

Three-month operating experience was unsuccessful. I wrote off everything on laziness and lack of watering, so I decided to build a system that myself lifted water from the pallet and distributed on pockets. Fortunately, such systems have repeatedly wrote in the community in Facebook. As suddenly, the leader wrote that, as his experience showed, the land he gave us together with the barrel is not good enough and it is worth noting a couple of top three bags of compost.

Decided, as in that joke:

- With sprinkling we inform you that your mother-in-law died. What will you order?: Opening? Cremation? The funeral?

- Let's all right away for loyalty!

We went to the greenhouse, bought compost and everything you need for watering system. The irrigation system decided to make the same principle on which they once did an active counter-defense for his pond. Namely: aquarium pump lifts water along the pipe to which the tubes with droppers are connected. So that the pressure in the pipe can be monitored, the pipe returns to the tank and ends with a crane. So that it was possible to drain enriched water into a bucket for watering other plants, brought another tube with a crane outside the barrel.

Video. The construction of watering system in two minutes:

12. Through the operation of the barrel, the technical lack of a drainage system. Although the holes for drainage are located in the center, water still spreads in different directions along the bottom and dripping from the edges of the barrel outside the tank that should collect it. SOLUTION - Barrier around the drainage

Vertical garden from barrel

13. The watering system consists of individual droppers for each pocket. Almost for the whole barrel used droppers with a 2 liter watering rate per hour. The upper tier and two sleeves on the surface are equipped with droppers for 4 liters per hour. In about 5 minutes, the system floods in a barrel about 10 liters of water

Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel

15. Almost ready

Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel

17. Normal pump, aquarium. My old pump used in the APCKO system was weak. Most likely due to the burst axis guide. I had to replace. Old was the 104th model, the new - 105th

Vertical garden from barrel

18. A more powerful pump turned out to be another advantage: standard thread allowing normal connecting the pipe through the adapter

Vertical garden from barrel

19. Disposable rags have become an excellent filter. I wash around once a week when power drops noticeably

Vertical garden from barrel

20. The pump put sideways on the bottom. So the level longer does not fall below the water intake and the pump maintenance has become much easier

Vertical garden from barrel

21. Salad has already tried :)

Vertical garden from barrel


Vertical garden from barrel

23. View from the other side. 12 days difference

Vertical garden from barrel

Fascinated herbs wife already uses all. Let's see what will happen next :)

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