Oh, these eyebrows: 10 secrets that will help create the perfect eyebrows


How to create an ideal eyebrows

Eyes - soul mirror. They are able to drive a man crazy. But the maiden eyes themselves cannot display emotions. But eyebrows - can. With their help, you can give the look of mysteriousness, make it more expressive and languid. But how to give eyebrows an ideal form? Of course, the easiest way is to seek help from specialists. But there is nothing wrong with trying to make eyebrows at home. We collected the best tips, following which you can easily make the perfect eyebrows.

We select form

The form of eyebrows must be selected by the type of face

The form of eyebrows must be selected by the type of face

For a round face, pointed or curved eyebrows are ideal. This form will allow you to visually pull out the face. For a triangular face, the ideal form is slightly rounded eyebrows. If the girl is the owner of an oval or oblong face, then its form is direct (horizontal) a little rounded eyebrows, which can be slightly sharpening at the end. But for a square type of face, a highly curved up arc is perfect.

We select the perfect tint

Ideal eyebrows should be the right tone

Pick up the perfect shade for eyebrows is not so difficult. It is enough to follow the simple formula: brunettes the eyebrows should be brightly the bright champions, and the blondes are darker for 3 tones. What is the way to use for this procedure - the case of everyone. In any case, choose from anything: pencil for eyebrows, paint or powder - it all depends on personal preferences.

Give form

Create the perfect eyebrow form at home easy

In order to make the perfect form of eyebrows at home, you need, first of all, choose a place with good lighting - each hairs on the face should be well covered. It is also very important to choose high-quality tweezers: it must be comfortable to lie in his hand and take the hairs to tight.

To reduce pain, you can smear the skin with a moisturizing cream or wipe it with ice cube.

Hair over eyebrow you need to plunder very carefully, otherwise it can work out. Also, you need to periodically move the mirror and evaluate the result from the side, otherwise you can overdo it.

Brush for eyebrows - very important. Without it, it is almost impossible to create an ideal form. After all, with its help you can find too long hairs and, if necessary, you can be fired.

And a few more useful tips

Eyebrows must be symmetrical

Eyebrows must be symmetrical

1. To give the image a finished look, eyebrows should have a clear form.

2. Thebs must be symmetrical.

3. And the end of the eyebrow should become all thinner and thinner, as if disappearing at all.

4. Hire and the size of the eyes and lips should be harmonious in relation to the width of the eyebrows.

5.If eyebrows strive down, then you need to send them up to get rid of the image of a sad Pierrot.

6. For the best preservation of the form, you need to use a special gel.

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