List of incredible things that can be done with beer


Pictures on request can be done with beer

Beer - drink is very versatile. It can be used in summer cold, winter warm, in the spring cool, in the fall heated, and you can not use it at all. At least in direct appointment. Today we will teach you several very unusual, but helpful ways to use this foam drink.

Take the fire

Beer is foaming, almost like a fire extinguisher and liquid, just like water. So, there is absolutely no restrictions to extinguish beer fires. Well, except for your greed of course.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Make a compass

Okay, in fact, you can turn this trick with any liquid. But let's imagine that you are on an uninhabited island, where there is nothing but beer. Pour it in a bowl - yes, there is also a bowl on the island - and lower the steel needle in a bowl. Well, there is also a needle. For clarity: you have only beer, bowl, needle, and, oh, okay, and the silk flag on your uninhabited island. And so, you omit the needle in a bog filled with beer, put it on the ground, the tapes of the flag of each other and have it nearby from the bowl. The flag generates static electricity - this is the beer compass.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Well do hair

Three tablespoons of beer, dissolved in half a glass of warm water, can make real miracles with your hair. Only rich in proteins and vitamins, and contains nutrients that contribute to hair health.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Murder slugs

In rainy weather, slugs become the most real disaster for the garden. Arrange a few jars filled with beer in the ground. Slugs will slip on the smell and drown in it. The main thing, remember: this beer is no longer worth drinking.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Cooking meat

Everyone, of course, knows how suitable beer is almost any meat. But few are aware that beer is capable of softening a piece of meat of any rigidity. To do this, add all halfbake beers to marinade.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Play legs

No seriously. Fill a small basin with white vinegar and a pair of bottles of dark beer. Beer does for a healthy foot bath. Bacteria in yeast and hop acidity will add nutrients with skin and restore the functioning of hair follicles. Just make sure you use beer that are not going to drink - if this exists at all.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Stones in the kidneys

Beer is a gorgeous diuretic, as we all know not at all. In addition, alcohol expands pipes, binding buds and bladder. So, beer can help you get rid of boring stones in the kidneys.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Rusty screws

Pour some beer on a rusty screw and wait a few minutes. The combination of gases and acidity of the beverage will dissolve the top layer of rust and you can easily unscrew the screw.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Ollodit face

All you need to know about the beer mask: a spoon of beer, a spoon of yoghurt, a spoon of olive oil, one egg squirrel and half a gram of almond extract. Beer hops will support the tone of your skin, well, the yeast balance the pH level.

List of incredible things that can be done with beer

Polishing furniture

Cleaning furniture and decorations, especially gold - another useful function of the foam drink. Try to clean the old oak table with stale bread and beer, and gold just soak in the same drink.

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