Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!


Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

I still remember those times when I had a washing machine in the house. Semi-automatic, manual wash - all this was not so comfortable and fast,

as it is now. With the acquisition of an automatic washing machine, as many, I received real pleasure from washing. And a couple of years just enjoyed her impeccable work! Quick and comfortable!

But over time, began to feel the unpleasant smell from the drum of the washing machine. Yes, and heat the water it became much worse, which affected the increase in the washing cycle and, accordingly, increased electricity consumption.

All this, of course, upset me, but, having studied the problem, I understood - wrote time cleaning!

How to clean the washing machine

Having studied well and viewed a lot of videos, how to clean the washing machine-machine from dirt, I made sure that almost all the elements of the machine need in cleaning: from the inside of the drum to the drain filter.

We have prepared 5 impeccable tricks for you, and pollution of the washing machine will no longer have a problem for you. Quickly, clean and very comfortable!

1. Door of the machine

After washing wet, not only underwear remains, but also the door of the machine. Try to always keep the car open to because of the high humidity in it did not start the mold.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

2. Cleaning Cuffs (Sealing Gum)

In the sealing gum, the typewriter loves to accumulate dirt and mold, so it needs to be particularly thoroughly cleaned. This can be done with any cleaning agent or soda.

If there is too much mold in your typewriter, which also exudes an unpleasant smell, you need to use a potent detergent. However, pay attention to using chlorine-containing tools is too often undesirable, it can lead to deformation of rubber.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

For cleaning, apply a little selected to the sponge. Gently pull the rubber on itself and wipe the metal part of the case. In the same manner and the cuff itself. Be careful and do not pull rubber too much so as not to damage!

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

3. Cleaning the drum from scale

Remove the deposits of minerals on the agent and the drum from scale can be very simple, but the potent method, and for a penny.

It consists of magnesium and calcium salts, which means that it is necessary to affect it with organic or inorganic acids. And there are such acids in each. An ordinary vinegar or citric acid will come to your aid.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

The easiest way to use citric acid. You will need from 1 to 6 packs of citric acid. How much exactly to pour citric acid depends on the volume of the washing machine and the degree of its contamination.

Add a tool into a washing powder compartment and run the machine in the mode of maximum temperature and work time.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

4. Cleaning tray

Remove the tray, act according to the instructions for your model of the washing machine. Then get rid of old powder sediments using any cleaning agent, then the protrusion of the compartment is completely.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

To remove rusty plaque, use a mixture of vinegar and soda. Human container with this solution and leave it for 30 minutes, and better for a couple of hours.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

5. Cleaning the drain pump

If you strongly run the filter, the car sooner or later refuses to drain the water, from the beginning it will go upstairs and can break out. Fortunately, clean the washing machine filter is very easy.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

To do this, open access to the filter. It is usually located at the bottom of the hull. However, before unscrewed the lid, bed on the towel and submese the water collection container under drain.

Unscrew the cover counterclockwise and get out of the opening all the accumulated garbage and dirt: it can be coins, hair, wool, toothpicks and other trifles. Wipe the hole, close it and install the decorative panel in place.

Thanks to this 5 tricks your washing machine will always be clean and shining!

Observe these simple recommendations, and your washing machine will not only look like new, but it will be better to work, and the underwear after washing will be clean, fresh and fragrant. I hope these tips were helpful. Let the washing process be easy and comfortable for you.

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