The lady on the market asked Georgian a discount. In response, he issued such ...


The lady on the market asked the Georgian a discount and then he gave it ...

The other day was on the market. It came to the tent where Georgians traded. Fresh vegetables, the queue is quite large. The turn comes to ladies 40 years, and she is tied with a dialogue with the seller: - kilogram of Bulgarian pepper. Do you make a discount?

- (Looking around the line and realizing that everything will be asked now) Sorry, I sell, as is.

- But you have air in the Bulgarian Pepper! Georgian fell into prostration for a few seconds. Obviously, for the entire experience of working with such a statement to him appealed for the first time.

- Of course, like everyone else.

- The air also has its own weight, it turns out, I paid you a little behind the air! Could and throw off. Georgian received "Fatal Error", giving out a blue screen of death, but, rebooting, unexpectedly for everyone, fearfully parried:

- Girl, there the air is the same as outside! And the outside mass is equal to the area of ​​weights multiplied to the height of the atmospheric pillar and multiplied by the density of the air. And all he presses on the scales. And if I am from a kilogram to take away the weight of this air, then you should have two apartments! And considering my income, it will be easier for me to marry you!

The lady paid on and ran away the whole red, under the poorly restrained laughter of the queue.

Georgian Ower Pot from his forehead and added: - And indeed, Moses Yakovlevich, your physics was useful!

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