How to turn an old garden house in "candy" without strong costs


Cozy country interior for a penny!


My sister and I caught fire the idea to acquire a small summer cottage, when we were 22 and 25 years, respectively. We are both interested in decoration and we wanted to implement various interesting ideas, as well as take place where you can simply relax from the city fuss and enjoy the proximity to nature.

Cozy country interior for a penny!

The place was chosen not by chance - overlooking the ancient pine forest, on the other side of which our grandparents have ever lived and with whom therefore is associated by our happy childhood.

View of Sosnovy Bor with Mansard

View of Sosnovy Bor with Mansard

Buying a house

The plots in this SNT are small - only 3 weave, but we were interested in the first place not a garden, namely the house. Therefore, proposals with plots turned into one solid beds, we immediately noted.... And finally, we smiled at luck - on the announcement written by hand, the elderly man responded - his old acquaintance sold a plot with a house. When we saw him (a house, not a man) - it was love at first sight! Make-up house with an attic and with a overgrown garden! We asked the phone of the hostess and immediately agreed to buy, without trading in the price (and it turned out to be much lower than we expected!). So we became his happy hostess.

Transformation. Start

The house was made with love, but already very "launched." We wanted to breathe a new life in him, making repairs and at the same time not spending big sums. We initially decided that it would be the "budget" repair, and wanted to prove that it was beautiful and cozy - no means expensive.

So the house looked at the time of purchase and start cleaning: yellowed the roofs of the roof of an old wallpaper, an old bed and sulfur chairs:

Bed Spring USSR

Bed Spring USSR

Wall opposite the bed (let's call this place so that it was convenient to compare ;-))

Wall opposite the bed (let's call this place so that it was convenient to compare ;-))

So the house looked outside

So the house looked outside

Even more terrible places on the ceiling will not show - not to scare you))

Even more terrible places on the ceiling will not show - not to scare you))

Paragraph 1

So, I started repair and sister with cleaning.

Ugrevati and sorted the trash stored in the shelves and the "lockers" - it was old clothes, bakes-flasks, bottles of the like. We drove the garbage, dirt, dust and of course - mouse poop (knitting the respiratory organs just in case with scarves and mask). The trash was partially taken out to the landfill, let's put something on the rags, something was sent to washing, something left for use or decor.

Sorting trash

This place we immediately called the "tea" - because here, as you can see, a small table with a pair of chairs for tea drinking and a chic view from the window (the top photo of the post)

Point 2

We all washed with water with chlorine!Literally everything: floors, walls, ceilings and even furniture.

Point 3

They started painting the old furniture in more "cheerful" colors. For example, the bed was decided to make white.

The paint was used acrylic. And for painting window frames used cheap alkyd enamel.

Painting bed

Painting bed

Chairs - B.

Chairs - in "Lavend"!

paint emphasized the structure of the tree

Paint emphasized the structure of the tree

Gradually there was a peculiar "concept" of this mini-room - and we called it "lavender tea".

I decided to paint one of the doors here in this way:

I write in English

I am writing in English "Lavender Tea Room"

By the way, we called the Blue Bedroom in the attic of the attic. It was decided to use in it a warm joyful shade of heavenly blue and, of course, white for a combination (association with white clouds on the blue sky).

Paragraph 4.

Phaneur on the ceiling in places of sublishes was replaced by a new

Paragraph 5.

Got old wallpaper from the walls and some paper from the ceiling. Once again, the walls with chlorine were waved, dried and started to be saved by wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the main wall bedroom chose white in blue flower

"Feodosia" - 200 rubles. / Roll

Blue Wallpaper (for combining) - 80 rubles / roll

Wallpaper on the ceiling - free (found old in the barn and pasted with the involving side)

View from the bedroom to tea

View from the bedroom to tea

We ride new wallpapers ..

We ride in new wallpapers ...

We continue ..

We continue ...

It is not easy to bold the ceiling - hands are striking. But then the hand is screwed)

It is not easy to bold the ceiling - the hands are striking, but then the hand is stuffed)

Meanwhile, the walls in tea are saved by the remnants of wallpaper stored houses (pink), and lilac purchased for 70 rubles / roll in the store. The door of the "Cabinet" is painted in pink.

in tea shop

I'm in tea

Well, and you probably tired of looking at the phone photos of our "plugging" and you want to see what happened from all this?

Specially staged a "photo session" to the interior on the camera:

Lavender tea

Lavender tea

How to turn the old garden house in




How to turn the old garden house in


How to turn the old garden house in


And now blue sleeping.

The photo is located as if we turn to the right:

Blue bedroom

Blue bedroom



The oilcloth for the table was bought in Auchan) saw a chance and understood what suits us perfect here

table by the window

Table by the window

shelves and suitcase for storing linen (decorated manually)

Shelves and suitcase for storing linen (decorated manually)

How to turn the old garden house in


How to turn the old garden house in

Sofa opposite the bed

View from the bedroom to tea

View from the bedroom to tea

Blue bedroom

Blue bedroom

And outside the house now looks like this (we painted it into mint and pink - painted themselves).

Painted with rollers using a ladder folding, and turned out of the windows to paint where the ladder does not get:

And outside the house now looks like this (we painted it into a mint and pink, using rollers for 50 rubles. And lasted folding):

House in autumn:

How to turn the old garden house in


And here and my sister Lyalya. Kush Peonov has not flourished yet, but already washed - we made him

And here and my sister Lyalya in the garden at the house. The truncut of peonies has not flourished yet, but already walked - we made him the "holder" from the old chair with a leaky seat (which was simply separated) found in the attic in the village of grandmother.

My story ends, and the history of the transformation of the house is not. Plans to "comply with" the first floor. We will definitely share the result with you!

Slowly we draw and garden: We dream of lawn, colors, a fence and garden furniture.

Thank you all for your attention! We hope that they inspired even at least someone for creativity and creation))

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