Verified and easy way to save your house from cat labels


Cat is a beautiful and cozy animal. But the labels that he leaves in the corners, on the upholstered furniture and even on the clothes of his owners, you can not call pleasant. However, with such a problem you can cope! For this, there is a proven method in practice.

In feline labels there are two enzymes that make an unpleasant smell. It is impossible to get rid of them with water, because they do not dissolve in it. Therefore, you will have to arma with simple vinegar.

  1. To begin with, the vinegar itself needs to be divorced with water in a ratio of 1: 3.
  2. The resulting composition should be slightly moistened by a sector marked by a cat. It is to moisten this place, and not to smear the composition throughout the floor or furniture.
  3. It remains only to wait until the area covered by vinegar does not dry.

However, this operation will remove only from one of two odorous enzymes. In addition, the removal of the second enzyme will require more effort:

  1. First, the label should be sprinkled with ordinary food soda.
  2. It will take a solution in which there is a hydrogen peroxide and water with water-diluted detergent. In this capacity, you can use any composition that forms foam - shampoo, dishwashing agent, etc.
  3. As soon as the solution is ready, it is necessary to beat it until a thick foam appears. It is possible to use this foam: it is placed on top of soda with a thick layer and leave until complete drying. Usually an hour by 3-4.

The most important thing when using this solution occurs at the time of contact of soda and hydrogen peroxide - the oxygen is beginning to be released, which cleaved the second odorious enzyme feline label. This chemical reaction lasts over the entire range of composition. At the end of this reaction, the composition can be removed by water and the usual washing powder.

By the way, this treatment is suitable not only for the floor, but also for upholstered furniture, because spots on the fabric from the applied tool simply will not remain.


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