7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know


How to treat a mustard cold, for a long time everyone knows. However, it is possible to apply it not only, begging into socks, or in the form of mustard pieces. It turns out the mustard improves digestion, stimulates blood circulation and is even considered an aphrodisiac.

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Useful properties of the mustard

By the way, if you considered the mustard traditionally by the Russian product, then it is not. In Russia, it began to grow and use it as seasoning only in the 18th century, thanks to the fashionable influence of France. Well, because there is a micro, and macroelements in the mustard, and many vitamins, then it has a great set. So, what are the useful properties of the mustard dining room?

Marinade for meat

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

To make meat faster, it was softer, and the juice did not flow during cooking, cut it in mustard sauce and leave half an hour.

If you do not want to freeze meat, leave it with an incelave mustard. In this form, it can be stored up to 36 hours, because Mustard has good bactericidal properties.

Mask from hair loss from mustard

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

2 h mustard powder

2 tbsp olive oil

2 ppm Sakhara

Mix all the ingredients and dilute with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. If you apply such a mask just once a week 15 minutes before washing the head on wet hair, they will fall less, it is better to grow, and will also become brilliant. The staff improves blood circulation and strengthens hair.


7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Put next to the sink bowl with mustard powder. When washing dishes, apply mustard on a fatty pan or a baking sheet with a wet sponge and leave for 5-10 minutes. It degreases the surface well, and wash them much easier.

Properties of mustard to remove unpleasant odors

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Pour some mustard powder into the chopped plastic or glass food containers. Shake them well, and then ride. The smell will not remain.

For washing things from wool and silk

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Mustard powder perfectly removes fat stains from woolen and silk things. Stir 1 cup mustard in 10 liters of water. Leave for 2-3 hours in a basin for linen. After that, drain the water in another basque so that the scene from the mustard powder remains at the bottom. Add a little hot water into the real water and post the clothes. If things are badly contaminated, they can be erased several times in mustard water (waiting for the mustard will be dearned). Only dark things can be erased in such water.

Means from Ikota

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

If you mix dry mustard powder and vinegar, and apply the resulting mixture into the tongue, then the ICTA will pass. After that, the mouth needs to rinse with warm water and, of course, you should not give such a mixture to children, because She is pretty burning.

The use of mustard in the garden

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Here in the garden mustard there are no equal, and every self-respecting dackets should grow necessarily. Mustard is a natural Siderate, i.e. Enriches the soil and help to fight pests. It can be sown in spring and under winter. When the plant is growing, it must be cut and swing in beds. And the roots, and the leaves of the mustard enrich the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and gray. In addition, mustard helps to get rid of the slugs, a wire and pea fruits.

7 wonderful abilities of ordinary mustard, which you do not know

Also, shrubs and vegetables can be sprayed with a scene of mustard powder. It helps in the fight against pests, eliminating the spider tick and toli. For this, 50 g of powder and 40 g of household soap, grated on the grater, are bred in a bucket of hot water, insist 2 days, and then spray plants.

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