10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!


10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

10 strange lifehams that work

Look beautiful - the desire of every girl. But, in order to have beautiful skin and well-groomed hair, it is not necessary to spend huge amounts of money on expensive salon procedures. Sometimes it is enough to show a bit of seamless and take advantage of not only folk care products, but also some Lifehakmi. And although at first glance they may seem a bit strange, but they really work! In our review 10 Lifehakov for beauty, which will help every girl to become even more beautiful.

Means for removing makeup from paint for hair

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Makeup removal remedy Wives hair paint from face

It often happens that girls, after painting hair in a dark color, there are traces on the forehead or ears from paint, which are very difficult to launder. In order to solve this problem, it is enough to use mycelter water or a means for removing makeup. It is necessary to simply apply a little liquid onto the cotton disk and wipe it a contaminated skin area. That's all. The problem is solved.

Boiling water for rubber band

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

To return the shape of an elastic band for hair, it needs to be omitted in boiling water

Sometimes it happens that the beloved hair band Invisibobble lost its appearance and stretched very much. If there is no possibility to buy a new one, but you really need to tie the tail, then, in order to return her for the same kind, it is enough just to dip a rubber band in boiling water on 5 seconds - and it will take the old appearance for a moment.

Peppermint for chubby lips

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

With the help of pepper mint, you can make lips more voluminous

In order to make lips more plump and seductive, you need to use essential oil of peppermint. Everything is enough to drop a couple of drops on lip balm (pre-laying balm into a small jar), mix it and put it on the lips. The effect will be noticeable immediately. But you should not get involved in a similar way, because there is a chance to overdo it with butter.

Scotch for the perfect shooter

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Scotch will help make perfect arrows

In order to draw the perfect arrows, you just need to take a piece of tape for the bottom of the eyelid, leaving the skin strip, which you need to paint the liquid eyeliner. Everything! Thus, the excess eyeliner will remain on scotch, which will help to significantly save time during makeup.

Bronzer do it yourself

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Bronzer is easy to make it yourself

If there is no real Bronze at hand, but you need to betray a beautiful radiance immediately, it is quite realistic to do this cosmetic with your own hands. To do this, you need to mix one tablespoon of cinnamon with one teaspoon of cocoa and one teaspoon of nutmeg plus two teaspoons of corn starch. That's all. Bronzer ready. Of course, it will not replace a full-fledged cosmetics, but can save at the right moment.

Lipstick as a Rumyan

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Lipstick can be used as a Rumyan

Going on vacation, it is not always possible to carry all the necessary cosmetics with you. But at the same time it's good to look good. If there was no Rumyan at hand, but it is very necessary to highlight the cheeks, then lipstick will be perfectly cope with this task. To do this, you need to choose lipstick of pink or peach shade. First you need to apply it on the brush of your hands, and then on the sponge, after which we grow to grow lipstick along the line of cheekbone.

Toothbrush scrub

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Toothbrush can be used as a lip scrub

If the lips need to give a healthier look, and there is no scraper at hand, then an ordinary toothbrush will come to the rescue. For this, during the cleaning of the teeth, you only need to massage the brush of the lips. Demanding particles will be extracted, and Menthol will improve blood circulation and give lips a healthier look.

Mayonnaise instead of air conditioner

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Mayonnaise can be used as an air conditioner for hair

Mayonnaise can be used not only to refuel salads, but also as an air conditioner for hair. To do this, it needs to be mixed with oil and put on a briefly on the hair. After that, wash off with plenty of water. However, for this procedures you need to use only home mayonnaise, because there are many concentrates and other chemical elements in the store.

Sponge for washing dishes for beautiful curls

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Sponge for washing dishes will help create beautiful curls

In order to get wonderful curls, it is not necessary to use hot tongs that spoil the hair. It is enough to use a sponge for washing dishes! To do this, you need to divide the hair on strands and wrap them in the middle of the sponge. Then fold the sponge in half and fix the rubber band. With such a "hairstyle, you need to like for a while. It is best to do it before bedtime. And on the morning, hair will look gorgeous.

Activated coal for white teeth

10 strange lifehams for beauty, which, despite your absurdity, work!

Activated carbon help whiten teeth

In order to achieve a snow-white smile, you do not need to resort to the teeth whitening procedure. You can use activated carbon. To do this, one tablet must be put in a glass, add a couple of water drops and stir everything into a homogeneous mass. Then apply a mixture on the toothbrush and simply clean your teeth. But such a procedure can be carried out a couple of times a month, otherwise there is a risk of increasing the sensitivity of the teeth.

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