Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat


The idea is not mine. I saw many different options, both factory and self-made. I bought the factory rectangular several times. Vika, these brates very much like. In a rectangular, she "digs" two holes around the edges in a couple of months, then interests interest to the brateching. The round option, in theory, should live a little longer, since the edge here will be more :)


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat

In many stores, there has been a secret promotion for a long time: "Buy something and get a cardboard box as a gift!" The action is wonderful, but what to do with a box? You can, of course, throw away. Then it may have been refined into a new box, which will be thrown again. And you can break the vicious circle of rebirth and make something useful out of the box. In addition, the cardboard does not need to drag on the trash! ;)

In our last visit to the IKEA store, bought four chairs into the kitchen, received eight sheets of cardboard as a gift. The boxes turned out to be long narrow strips that I used as a template for drawing and cutting the boxes. Boxes need to cleaned from the adhesive tape so that it does not glue to the feline claws. Sliced ​​strips should be bent before winding, otherwise the lumens remain. To connect, I used a paper adhesive tape that is used for whitewash.

I will say right away: the occupation is a long and tedious. Of the eight sheets of cardboard, there were only two brates.

Next, short video and process photos:


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat

5. That's what will happen if the strips do not bend before winding

Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat


Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat

8. I am not a perfectionist, but I like cats :)

Corrugated cardboard bracket for beloved cat

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