How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


Yesterday I showed you new areas of Helsinki. The courtyards and residential neighborhoods look, of course, very cool, especially compared to what they build. But the details are equally important! For example, the usual thing is to dispose of garbage in the area. How does this happen from us? The worst option is outdated containers that cost near houses. Around the dirt and garbage, animals and birds spread waste around the district ... Brrr! At best, we will install underground waste collection containers - it is already better, especially if they are properly exploited.

In the new areas of Helsinki, these garbage receivers are facing ...

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

What is it?

This is a system of vacuum garbage chute, which also works in Calasatma, and in Yatksaari! Separately gather organic, mixed, cardboard and paper waste. The garbage is absorbed and the pipe flies on the central station sorting waste at a speed of 70 km / h.

All this happens silently, no garbage trucks near the houses appear. Waste, which fell on the team item, then either processed in recycling, or used as fuel or compost.

Sometimes garbagers are built directly into the wall of the building. Opened on the magnetic card.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Bidows include residues of meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, bread and cereals, egg shell, coffee thick, chasing and flowers, you need to take them in biodegradable packages.

In the paper pipe, you can throw out magazines, spam from mailboxes, office and landscape paper, envelopes, paper books and paper bags of white paper.

In the garbage truck for cardboard, you can send packages from the milk and juice, packing from the eggs or croup, packing cardboard and wrapping paper, paper bags. Packages from under juice and milk need to rinse before throwing away, the entire cardboard must be smoothed and, if possible, compress, and the boxes from pizza are to break into smaller parts. Corrugated cardboard can not be covered in the pipe.

Most of the mixed waste is different plastic, dirty packaging and, for example, diapers. All this is recommended to be taken in tightly tied polyethylene packages free by 1/3. Too large packages (more than 20 liters) in the pipe can not be thrown out, otherwise it will quickly get drunk.

Sometimes these are separate sites.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

But in addition to vacuum garbage disposal in the area there are disposal premises. There you can leave the glass, metal, as well as mixed and cardboard waste that cannot be shoved into the pipe. Special recycling centers separately surrendered batteries, light bulbs, household appliances, etc. In Finland, many of these items are accepted in stores.

The most important thing is the perfect cleanliness around! That is, in Finland, the trash park is not an alienation zone. It may well be near the playground or cycle parking.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In general, the system of vacuum garbage disposal is very cool, but we would quickly spoiled her. I am sure, on the first day someone would have put a Christmas tree or old sofa pillows into the tube. The pipe would immediately have been hammered, and another day the garbage chute would be closed to clean it manually. After three such incidents, it would be closed by coming.

In addition, bother with such things as cutting bags from under milk, no one will become. I think here you need to wait another 50 more.

But Finns are good, Finns literally fulfill all instructions instructions. For those who are not sure if he uses a vacuum garbage chute, there is a support service that will tell you how best to act.

Of course, in the area itself there are ordinary urns.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In the area of ​​Yatksaari 6 kindergartens, the very first of them opened back in 2012. All of them are different: in one of them there is an emphasis on art education, in another engage in children in English, in the third take children from Swedish families. There are two schools here.

In Calasatim, two kindergartens and one elementary school.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

To school in Finland take from seven years. Study begins with autumn, but training for school is beginning in winter. In January, the Department of Education sends to parents of future schoolchildren with information about the upcoming training and guidebooks for children.

To enroll the child to school, parents need to come to a special school meeting, which is held in January. Or you can leave an online application for enrollment, but this option is not available for everyone. When submitting an application, you need to have documents that came in a letter from the Department of Education. Children of immigrants should also flow into schools, and if they do not speak Finnish, they first send them to preparatory courses.

Usually, children are distributed to schools at the place of residence. If free places remain in some of the schools, children from neighboring regions can direct them. In some cases, parents have the right to give a child to some other school: for example, in the one where there will be an in-depth study of languages ​​or which will be focused on children with certain medical problems. In some schools, they offer training in two languages, they can also come regardless of accommodation. But if after studying in one of these specialized schools, parents will want to return the child to a regular school, where they were initially distributed, they can simply not accept them if there are no free places there.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

If parents plan to give a child to a private kindergarten, then they need to go and directly negotiate admission with his leadership. And if they choose the state, they simply submit an application through a special Internet service. To do this, you must first register on the service and get a special identifier (apparently, this is something like our "public service"). If for some reason it is impossible, then you can send a request in print form. The main thing is that it be filed no later than 4 months before the planned receipt. It will be valid for 12 months.

Usually children are sent to that kindergarten, which parents indicated in the application as preferred. But it happens that there are no free places in it. In this case, coordinators are associated with their parents and discuss other options. The final decision is made only after this discussion.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Children's gardens in Finland are paid, and money is starting to shoot with the official date of receipt of the child. Therefore, if parents are unhappy where they were distributed, they should report it as soon as possible. If parents just decide not to remove the child to a kindergarten, then the leadership will wait for a week, and then it will simply contribute to it. From parents, in this case, will remove half the monthly cost of kindergarten.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

A full day in kindergarten (more than 7 hours) costs parents a maximum of 290 euros per month. But it is usually cheaper, because there are different discounts, depending on the type of kindergarten, the number of children, the level of income and the number of days in which the child was present in kindergarten.

In the event that the parents have an unforeseen situation, and they need to very urgently arrange a child in kindergarten, they can directly contact the guide to the kindergarten. They will need to quickly issue all the necessary documents indicating the causes of such urgency. If all procedures are observed, then in two weeks the child will take a kindergarten.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In the design of playgrounds, natural materials are not shy.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Another kindergarten embedded right into the house. In general, small kindergartens on the first floors are cool.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

And this is a small public space in a new area. Please note that the construction is going around, but the alley and lawn are fully prepared.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Left construction, right - ready-made improvement. Finns immediately do well, do not wait for years when the construction will end and there will be order. The order begins immediately.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

And this is a playground.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

It is strange that they did not put a wooden copy of the Kremlin and a rocket complex.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Instead, some kind of incredible grid)

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Pay attention to the details. Everywhere chairs, artificial relief was made on the site.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Very cool sandbox

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

But how they suggest trees. Nice to see! Finns each detail is beautiful!

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In addition to landscaping to areas immediately install art objects.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

The track is in the center of the groove for water removal, different paving.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Pedestrian crossings raised

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Asphalt here is temporary, after passing the area, it will shift it. And even note that the Finns are not afraid to do suspended lights! It looks cool, there were many people in Moscow, but they all clean them.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

So that the cars do not chase, there are such obstacles on the roads in checkers. The driver must be clogged, reducing speed. It is better than a sleeping policeman, before which it is necessary to slow down. First, it is possible to maintain a constant short speed, and not acceleration-braking, secondly, when moving the lying police, heavy machines can have a lot of noise that for the residential area is bad.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Therefore, such a ledge, or Shikan, artificially convulsion, who came to the city roads from races - a very good solution.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Make security island.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Bicycle parking in a separate room in the yard

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Many yesterday asked: and how in case of a fire in closed for cars, the courtyards will appear? For technology there is always a passage.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


That's how it looks like:

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

But there are no passages inside the yard, for the equipment reserved lawns reserved.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Often near the entrance to the entrance you can see a box with a granite crumb. Finns do not use salt in winter.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Almost every entrance will be a mop to put the crumb to sweep and not carry in the house. You can also see special brushes for shoes, they need that the granite crumb to sweep the boots from the sole before entering the entrance.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

But this is the hatcher on the facade, which is the equipment.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Two more entrances and the same shoe brush.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Touch screen, which hangs inside one of the entrances. With its help, residents can get different information - weather forecast, schedule of events that are held in their home, or bus schedule.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

This is just a bus schedule. All coming stops are shown and after how much where the bus arrives. Right before leaving the house, you can see if it is necessary to run to the stop, or you can safely walk.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

The public laundry room is quite typical for new homes in Scandinavian countries. In addition to the laundry room there may be a common sewing room, a gym and even a joinery workshop. In the courtyards to common areas, in addition to playgrounds and cycling, usually belongs a barbecue or grill with a table and garden flower beds. In addition, somewhere there are necessarily the premises for storing any inventory - either in the house itself, or in the yard. That is, buying an apartment, you do not have just a housing, but also access to public premises and services.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Another entrance to the entrance. In front of him lies the dirt leader. Left - mailbox.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

The drainage tube leaves immediately into the drainage system.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Skostka houses from stones, then begins the lawn.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Separation of lawn. Sometimes such metal barriers are used.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Finns are obsessed with nature and environmental friendliness, so very often residential areas are adjacent to the islands of wildlife.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Go on the bridge ...

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

... and find yourself in the present forest. If it were not for home on the horizon, I would never have thought that in the city I was.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

It seems that you climbed somewhere on a hundred kilometers to the Karelian forest.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Registration of the embankment in a residential area. Everywhere there are chairs, adult trees are scheduled. The area is already ready for people in him normally lived.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

No less important is the organization of the construction itself. Some at home are completely inhabited, and people live there, and some are just erected. And the construction is not dirt or some kind of alienation zone for residents of the area.

Finns try to somehow minimize the influence of construction. This is how they issued an entrance to the town where workers live - put concrete flower beds, installed lanterns similar to the lamps.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Everywhere the ideal cleanliness and order, the construction is not a special discomfort to residents.

So the temporary track looks up to the subway. They asphalted it, put flowerbeds and beautiful lanterns. Yes, the temporary track here is boards scattered in dirt.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

Some facades are completed, but pay attention to what purity and order around.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In the foreground, a plot that will only be built up. But it does not particularly embarrass anyone, people calmly settle in ready-made homes.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details


How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

In Yatksaari immediately launch a new tram line. Finns have no such as we - what you buy an apartment in a new area and then do not understand how to get out of this area. They necessarily create a complete infrastructure, including public transport lines.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

And after a few months they begin to walk trams. The inhabitants of the district are not cut off from the life of the city.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

So far, residents are not very much, in the area there is a minibus. But this is not a minibus in the understanding in which they have. The minibus can be used on urban streets if she:

- It does not work on loaded streets and does not compete with public transport for passengers;

- fully integrated into the system of public transport, takes ordinary tickets, benefits, walks on the schedule of urban transport;

- Available for small passengers, people with strollers and luggage.

How to build Finns: infrastructure and details

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